05-14-2017 04:24 PM
So I listed a doll that I made. It ended up with a 'Best Offer' on a Buy It Now.
There was no option to edit it to remove the Best Offer. None. There were 3 watchers and probably was a bot. I read that the way to remove the Best Offer, was to end it, then list it using Advance Tool. So I did, removed the Best Offer, and only 1 watcher since noon today. That 1 watcher is the bot, so I doubt if my 'relist' even is showing to anyone. We'll see by 1 month if the 1 watcher stays the same.
Thank you
05-14-2017 04:27 PM
05-14-2017 04:29 PM
FYI, @lastdimeprimitives, bots view, but they don't watch.
05-14-2017 04:31 PM
Because I don't want to mislead. Thank you
05-14-2017 04:32 PM
Whatever. Thank you
05-14-2017 04:33 PM
Sorry, I meant Views. Views.
05-14-2017 04:34 PM
@lastdimeprimitives wrote:Sorry, I meant Views. Views.
05-14-2017 04:35 PM
There are no "watcher bots"! Page Views by 'bots do exist of course but watchers are real people.
Your original listing says that the listing was ended because the item is no longer available. The watchers on that listing might take you at your word.
Most important; I might put an item on my watch list for any of dozens of reasons, 24 hours later I might have absolutely no interest in that item.
05-14-2017 04:36 PM
I meant Views. Views Thank you
05-14-2017 04:39 PM - edited 05-14-2017 04:40 PM
I do not get the automatic "best offer" on my listings because of the listing tool that I use, but I thought that you could use the "advanced' to revise the listing to remove the "offer" without ending and relisting possibly not so
05-14-2017 04:41 PM
Thank you for replying, there was no advance tool or anything when I wanted to edit it.
I hadn't listed in a while, I clicked on sell, and took it from there. Then saw that the listing had Best Offer.
05-14-2017 11:28 PM
I bet you have lots of views now...none of which mean anything since we all just went to see what you sold. You do have one watcher tho.
05-15-2017 04:39 AM
I realized that, just proves that the terming and re-listing it just to remove the best offer, is an ebay mechanisn that makes all the time and effort worthless.
05-15-2017 11:47 AM
@lastdimeprimitives wrote:I realized that, just proves that the terming and re-listing it just to remove the best offer, is an ebay mechanisn that makes all the time and effort worthless.
And it just proves that worrying about views is pointless. You had 3 whole view before that might have been potential buyers. Now you have a lot that mostly likely aren't potential buyer, but from people here that just wanted to see what you were talking about.
The only view that counts is the 1 that buys it.