This morning I get a message on one of my items. It's a specialty type item and it used to belong to very well known collector (who's collection was divided across part of Southern Ontario among various dealers). My shop got around 500 items. 100 of which we couldn't identify so I wouldn't take them, the other 400 ended up in my store.
Because the items are odd shapes and may not pass as letter mail, the template is USA only for shipping. So I wouldn't for a minute assume I'd get a reply from a Canadian buyer. (If I can't see my own items in the search because they are USA only, I presume other Canadian buyers can't either).
The message went off on me about why I'm shipping an item from the US to Canada when I'm in Canada too. Then he starts going on about some person who belongs to some organization (which I know nothing about). He makes some snide comment of "doesn't Canada Post go to (name of a town 2 hours from me) anymore?" He mentions being interested in 3 items. There is nothing on my list of items to send offers on right now (of that type of stuff).
I replied back that if he's in Canada I will ship Canada Post, no problem. I told him the item is listed on the dot com site (as I am registered as a US seller on that site) and the blurb in my listings/offers is for the benefit of a US buyer to know there are delays in receiving their items because I'm in Canada. I ignored his comment about the person and organization because I don't know what he's talking about. And I didn't say anything about his reference to that town either. I did ask him which three items he wanted and told him if they are less than 2cm thick they can pass as a letter and combined Canadian shipping is $3.85. (That's my standard up to 200 grams for anything that goes letter mail).
I didn't get a response which puzzled me because I expected at very least to find out which three items he wanted... it kind of gave me pause throughout the morning, and then I came to these conclusions:
1. He thinks I'm someone else
2. He knows who the collection used to belong to
3. He doesn't realize that offers are anonymous and thinks if I sent him an offer (which I probably did last night), that I must know who received it. But I'm not going through my list of sent offers to try and figure it out...
In any event, that was just weird. But it took my mind off my previous customer concern that I had to deal with first thing this morning.