07-11-2022 03:57 PM
Just making sure if I bought images from Etsy to use for Commercial Use Like Quotes and Home Decor for Framing, would that be allowed on eBay ? Want to make sure before I post any. Was hoping to give out
the images through email as attachments. That is my plan any way. Hopefully I will be able to do this.
Thank you for your advice and time.
07-11-2022 04:14 PM
07-11-2022 04:22 PM
Remember, anything that can be done completely digitally can be done by someone in a third would country being paid $10 a day. I can't see how that sort of thing could possibly be profitable compared to literally anything else you could be selling. I imagine half your customers would just be confused people on their phone thinking they are buying a physical item and the others would just be buying the 99 cent listing to get feedback and could care less about the image itself.
07-11-2022 05:26 PM
Digital items must be approved by Ebay. I understand the criteria to meet this approval is somewhat limited to only certain categories: