01-26-2018 02:05 PM
I'm considering accepting this offer, just to test it out and see if the Premium store works better for me than the Basic store that I have now (yearly subscription). However, if it turns out that it's NOT worth it to me and I want to switch back to my Basic store during the 30 day Promotion Period, I don't want to end up being penalized with Early Termination Fees. From how it's written in the offer, it sounds like you have to CANCEL your subscription within the Promotion Period, instead of simply downgrading your subscription.
What I'd like to know (since it's not clear in the offer) is: Can I simply switch back to my Yearly Basic Store Subscription at any time during the 30 day Promotion Period - without incurring an Early Termination Fee?
01-26-2018 02:33 PM
Unfotunately I don't have an answer for you. But I am curious -- was this offer emailed to you? And is there a savings on monthly fee to try out the premium for 30 days or is the montly fee the same as it does for anyone who already has a premium store?
01-26-2018 02:42 PM
01-26-2018 03:07 PM - edited 01-26-2018 03:08 PM
*If you are already subscribed to a Yearly Stores subscription, you must upgrade to the yearly store subscription of the next level store tier. Otherwise, you will be charged an early termination fee and will not receive the Promotion.
For sellers on an annual subscription: if you’d like to cancel your subscription after trying the upgrade, please keep track of your subscription start date during the promotion period and ensure that you cancel your subscription before the promotion period ends. Terminating your subscription after the end of the promotion period but before fulfilling your one-year store subscription commitment will result in an early termination fee.
There's a whole lot more mumbo jumbo which talks about yearly subscriptions and it sounds like if you accept this promo, even if you cancel before the month is up, you're obligated to a full year at your current level again. There are just too many other things in that TOC that aren't in plain english (at least not the one I know).
01-26-2018 03:17 PM
01-26-2018 06:41 PM
I had the same exact question when I was considering upgrading to the Premium Yearly Contract from my Basic Store. I had gotten a Message from eBay offering a similar promotion. It was right about the time my Basic Store was set to expire. I called customer service during a time that I had a better chance of getting a U.S. Rep.
I was told that if you cancel anytime prior to the end of the Promotion Period, then you revert back to the level that you were at prior to acceptance of the Promotion.
Even given that bit of information, if I were you ... I'd CALL. Get them to confirm what I indicated above. And I'd make sure you speak to someone stateside, not a foreign CS rep ... they'll tell you anything to get you off the phone.
Don't forget eBay operates on Pacific Time, so if you use the Promotion but decide to cancel, don't cut yourself short to the minute ... cancel a day or so ahead of the end time.
01-27-2018 04:37 AM
01-27-2018 03:13 PM
01-27-2018 03:15 PM
01-28-2018 04:24 PM
I am wondering what the fee is if you decide to stay with the upgrade. Is the discount only for one month or for the year.
01-29-2018 10:28 AM
OK, just talked to a "Lashonda" at eBay. Apparently, she's some kind of 2nd tier CSR, as the first person couldn't help me.
According to Lashonda, accepting the offer DOES lock you into a brand new one year subscription - whether you decide to continue with the upgrade or not.
Also, the promotional price is good for the first 30 days ONLY. After that, you're back to regular pricing.
And as long as you cancel the upgrade within the first 30 days, you will NOT be charged an Early Termination Fee.
So there we are. I'll probably go ahead and give it a try. Who knows? It may actually be worth it. If not, I can still bail out and just have an extra 10 months tacked onto my previous Basic subscription (which was due to expire April 30).
01-29-2018 11:07 AM
01-29-2018 11:09 AM
01-29-2018 11:10 AM
01-29-2018 11:10 AM