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Public blocked buyer list.

I know this will be controversial but:
Every review site out there allows buyers/customers to publicly list complaints (smears) against a business but none offer a location for a business/seller to publicly list their negative experiences with a buyer.
That is what I am interested in finding. In the case of eBay, I want to be able to see a public list of buyers who have abused sellers for things like falsifying a not as described return and sticking the seller with shipping both ways. This happens and when proven to eBay and eBay agrees that the item is exactly as described,  eBay still forces the return/refund.
A list I can add my blocked buyers to and also be able to copy the list and past it into my blocked buyers list.
At least the worst of the worst buyers that behave this way constantly.

Message 1 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

A list like that is not available. You'll build your own BBL as you go. Good luck.

Message 2 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

Forget it, it's not going to happen .

Message 3 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

Very popular these days to complain, smear, retaliate, get revenge and insult other people, and if they've done it to us, we should be able to do it back to them twice. 


Find a Facebook group that allows you to post ids of people you don't like. There are plenty of them. But don't be shocked if you see your member id appear in one of their posts someday. Those lists are uncurated and unsubstantiated. Anyone can post a member id without any proof of any kind, with no opportunity for anyone to defend themselves.


This, my friends, is the new America.  

Message 4 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

.............general reply...........


there are aplenty of nasty ebayers out there.the best way to avoid one or get an idea of one to avoid is to look at what type of feedback the buyers like to leave for sellers


buyers who leave a string of negatives are the ones who show there true colors................some buyers are attracted to bad deals or bad sellers and get off on leaving poor feedback.I cant think of any other reason except that some buyers hate themselves or enjoy beating themselves and others up

Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 5 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

BAD BUYERS don't care if you block them. They just come back with a fresh, shiny new ID.


Who determines a bad buyer? From some of the posts I see here, someone who pays a day after an auction win instead of the nanosecond the auctions ends is a bad buyer...a buyer with a legitimate complaint who encounters a "stuck in the 90s" seller who thinks that they can deny legit complaints is a bad buyer...someone who simply changes their mind is a bad buyer. I see it here on the boards all the time.  Thanks, but no. I don't think these types of sellers have any business telling me who is a bad buyer. Why? Because they're bad sellers. (there, I said it!)


And what is to stop your competition from circulating YOUR name out there, calling YOU a bad buyer so other sellers will block you, thus narrowing your choice of sellers to buy from?


Buyers lie. Sellers lie. All of this "naming and shaming" is so preschoolish it's ridiculous. Both sellers AND buyers need to start taking some responsibility for their actions. Grow up for heaven's sake and stop acting like three year olds.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 6 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

Lets get one thing straight...

"ebay" does NOT "agree."


Ebay does absolutely nothing except exist.

Ebay is not a person, ebay is an it.

It is a corporation, an entity, a name on a business license, a building in California has its name, also the name appears on shipping labels and there is a web site we're presently using that is housed on servers paid for by the ebay corporation.  However, none of these things are capable of action, thought, or decision.

An "it" is not capable of action, thought or decision.


Someone working for a customer service company that has the contract to provide customer support FOR ebay MAY have agreed with you, but that holds about as much water as a colander.


Right or wrong it has no bearing or power, might as well have a conversation with a random person, same end result.


Message 7 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

It will never happen. It's too easy for people to just create a new ID. Just because someone had a bad experience with another seller doesn't mean they are going to give you a problem and vice versa. I've had a buyer that had all excellent feedback. In 3 days he sent over 25 emails, saying inappropriate things to me and other family members, giving us advice on listings and products, and stalking me personally. He was reported and blocked, but there is nothing to stop him from creating a new ID and starting it all up again. It was my first time in a dozen years of being in this business that I actually feared a customer.

Message 8 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

Seems that there at one time was such a list.


Read that it no longer exists.


Don't know what the site name was.


Never went to view it.


As posted by others. Not a good idea. Any one could list anyone for any reason. (true, or false)


Just because one person had a bad (or perceived bad ) experience with a buyer, or seller does not mean someone else will.


As suggested by other, I have built my own list based on my experiences, and observations.

Message 9 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Seems that there at one time was such a list.


Read that it no longer exists.


Don't know what the site name was.

Perhaps you're thinking of Toolhaus? They did not actually have a public Blocked Bidder List, though. What they offered was a service where you could submit a particular eBay ID and get back your choice of filtered feedback ratings. The most common filter request was for all the Negs left by the ID of interest. 


The owner eventually gave it up, apparently after long fights with eBay over their constantly changing feedback page revisions, and coding changes required to keep up with them. Toolhaus is no longer active, but does maintain a goodbye page that makes for interesting reading. 



Message 10 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

There's a site called

Message 11 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

For what it's worth - I have never investigated the info but this appeared in a recent AARP publication along with telling buyers to file chargebacks when receiving poor customer service from online sellers.

Quote:  Retail Equation is a little known company that tracks returns for retailers and flags buyers it suspects of fraudulent or what it calls "abusive" returns.  Visit them for more info if you think you've been labeled a "returnaholic".  


(Oh, the sites your grandma can you tell you about these days - LOL). 

Message 12 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

Your blocked buyer list is limited to 5,000 entries.  Ebay likely has that many buyers with questionable behavior  weekly if not daily.

Message 13 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

There are several such sites, google and ye shall find.

However, the one I looked at had far more IDs than your BB list will hold, so I don't know how helpful it would really be, plus I am sure a high percentage of them are NARUed.


Message 14 of 31
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Public blocked buyer list.

"I want to be able to see a public list of buyers who have abused sellers for things like falsifying a not as described return and sticking the seller with shipping both ways."


Although not in list form, this information is available as "feedback left for others."


I try to remember the old adage, "no matter how flat the pancake there are always two sides."



Message 15 of 31
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