08-11-2020 01:04 PM
So far I have not had that problem.
Some of my items ebay displays, some don’t, and for some it throws me out that I’m an international seller.
New items I put up for sale don’t show up at all even after a few hours.
Does anyone else have such problems?
Best regards,
08-14-2020 12:57 AM
It was never clear to me why it puts me that I am registered in the US.
Possibly because ebay.com is registered for the US.
Best regards,
08-14-2020 07:32 AM
Sorry, but that's not how it works.
I do not really know how it is supposed to work. Nonetheless:
If I search ebay.com using a US shipping address the OP's items appear in a regular "default" search.
If I search ebay.com using a Republic of Croatia shipping address, the OP's items appear in the search results as "from eBay international sellers".
Perhaps the OP was registered in one location at the time of the original listing, and has since changed registration locations since, or perhaps the issue is something else entirely. The items certainly appear to have been listed on ebay.com and they are denominated in dollars.
08-18-2020 11:52 AM
So... no one knows where problem is? and how did it suddenly come ? 😃