04-09-2020 10:30 AM
I listed my first item ever, so maybe I did something wrong when I set the initial bid and buy it now prices. I was notified by Ebay that my listing was removed due to violation of their price gouging policy. The email wasn't very helpful in explaining how I violated their policies.
I listed a lightly used item that I felt was in 'like new,' condition. The item brand new ranges from about $105 - $145 at various websites (the manufacturer sells it for $137). I set the starting bid price at $75 and a buy it now price of $120. I feel both the starting bid and buy it now prices were fair based on the condition of the item, but perhaps Ebay and the potential customers disagree. However, I don't see how this qualifies as price gouging. If I had the initial bid set at or higher than what it can be bought for brand new, sure I could see that, but I don't feel that's what I did here.
Is my pricing out of line? And is there an algorithm or rule of thumb I should be using to set prices to avoid my listings from getting removed for price gouging?
04-09-2020 10:33 AM
What is the item?
04-09-2020 10:34 AM
What was the item?