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Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer

Why does eBay continues to permit the sale of n96 masks and other items after they announced that these items would be taken down.  It is so wrong for sellers to profit during g this pandemic. eBay please encourage sellers to donate their masks to healthcare workers and people who are immune comprised and those with pre existing conditions. PEOPLE ARE DYING AND HEALTHCARE WORKERS ARE risking their own lives in the care of Covid19 patients. 
I saw a mask sell for close to $10,000 today on eBay. This is wrong. 

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer

@outdatedrecreated wrote:



A lot of people care.

These sellers buy up all these items just to make a huge profit and the people that needs the items can't get them.

And I report every listing I find.





Have a great day.
Message 16 of 21
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Re: Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer

Ebay has so many sellers gauging prices on pandemic items (Lysol, Clorox, Toilet paper). Some Sellers are charging hundreds of dollars for shipping and lower prices for these items and some are starting bids very low having bidders fight to pay hundreds for these items. Ebay should be restricted of selling ANY of these items, since it leads to hoarding for financial profit.
Many have reported items on the site for price gauging but these items, as well as new listings, are still being listed days later. It must end please
Message 17 of 21
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Re: Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer

@earlyant-77 wrote:

Now scrapple is tasty! And 'bacon'(I love slab bacon the best) ..... well ... I'm sure that will be a trigger word to some like 'feedback' is to others someone.


But if I saw tofu in my fridge, then I would probably use it as a sponge.


Hmmm...wrap it in Canadian bacon!  The tofu I use isn't very 'spongy', though. Depends how it's pressed,  guess - mine has the consistency of a portobello mushroom.


But enough of tofu!  I wish now to discuss melon balls wrapped in Prosciutto. 🤤

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer

@pburn wrote:

@southern*sweet*tea wrote:

Be careful with that soy stuff. If you have low thyroid or hypothyroidism it will make it worse. 

Yeah, I don't have either of those maladies, or I wouldn't be eating "that soy stuff," would I?   🤣


hehe, it was just a general comment 😋


For real, though, ladies, if you are even borderline hypothyroid it can cause serious issues.  As long as you know your TSH is normal, eat in moderation. Too much can cause issues even if one has a normal thyroid.


 It doesn't seem to affect men, so if you're a man, eat away lol

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 19 of 21
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Re: Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer




Message me if you want the recipe for the very best Southwest Tofu Scramble ever. 


I am now finished discussing tofu as well. I'll be moving on to Grilled Salmon with Mango Chutney, which is what I'm making for brunch tomorrow.

Message 20 of 21
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Re: Price gouging and inappropriate listings on eBay continue for masks and sanitizer

@pburn wrote:

@earlyant-77 wrote:

@pburn wrote:
I suppose it might seem that way to the unrefined palate, or if it's prepared by someone who possesses no culinary skills.

I have a refined palate, but it's also refined to 'just say no' to tofu. 😀


If we all ate the same stuff, it would be a boring world!


You're the one who objected to my post about tofu, and now you post this? I guess I should've posted that as my reply to you! 😂

I didn't object to your post - I just think it's a disgusting lump of .. whatever. To me.


If you like it, great. I can guarantee there is stuff that I eat that you wouldn't eat with a 10 foot mouth.


Just as I loved most stuff my dad made when I was a kid, like fried kidneys and potato pancakes, but I drew the line at head cheese, and some things my mom made, and especially my sisters tuna casserole(yuck).


Message 21 of 21
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