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Positive feedback 0%

I have  been an ebay buyer for many years and just started to sell things.  It seems poor policy for ebay to  give me a 0% positive feedback out of 160.   Doesn't this hurt ebay's bottom line?

Message 1 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

You went away for a year.  Your feedback tells the world that you have not been on ebay for a year. Important information.  Keep selling a few items a month and do a great job and it will be at 100%.

Message 16 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

Thanks for being snarky; a real bonus.  "last 12 months" does not show on a listing; just "0% Positive feedback"

Message 17 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

Looks  like you have been inactive as a buyer & seller for over  a year and only sold one item in Dec  in the last 90 days.   eBay views you as a brand new member with zero FB  received in the last  year period.  That is the rules of the eBay game.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 18 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

@fillydelphia wrote:

Thanks for being snarky; a real bonus.  "last 12 months" does not show on a listing; just "0% Positive feedback"



I am not sure where you are getting your information from........


On a listing of yours.............It does not show a 0% either....Just the feedback number.



When we click on your feedback page to review a seller we see this.




For some......It seems wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
Message 19 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

click on the (162) and you will  discover  this -

Feedback profile

  • fillydelphia  (162) Positive Feedback (last 12 months): 0%



  • Member since: Sep-06-02 in United States
"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 20 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

It's pathetic, but a true statement re: "huge sellers" ebay covets so much, but true "immediate" feedback advice.. However, if you took your own personal situation (as well as the snarky commenter) out of the equation, you would probably see the sense & logic in it. I had 100% as a buyer for 20 years but as soon as I flipped the seller switch back on I was a nobody for 30 days.. Irritating for certain but i get it!

The Best Thing To Do Now Is Stay Calm!
Message 21 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

Focus on selling something like the rest of us and earn some feedback. You're untested as a seller, so showing "0" feedback is the system working.


Message 22 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

My 1st grin of the day, Thanks for the warm and fuzzy response tdrake haha!!

 But your absolutely right... 

The Best Thing To Do Now Is Stay Calm!
Message 23 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

@tdrake wrote:

Focus on selling something like the rest of us and earn some feedback. You're untested as a seller, so showing "0" feedback is the system working.


Good answer but it only works IF (and that is a big if) the buyer leaves you feedback. Less and less buyers are choosing to leave feedback for any of their sellers. Is it time for feedback to just go away? Maybe.

Message 24 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

@fillydelphia wrote:

 Doesn't this hurt ebay's bottom line?

No, because buyers who don't like your feedback number will simply buy from someone else. 

Message 25 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

Hi everyone,

This discussion has gotten a bit heated. Please remember that, while it is fine to disagree with others, discussion should always remain friendly and respectful as required by the Community Guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Message 26 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

@readabouthorses wrote:

@tdrake wrote:

Focus on selling something like the rest of us and earn some feedback. You're untested as a seller, so showing "0" feedback is the system working.


Good answer but it only works IF (and that is a big if) the buyer leaves you feedback. Less and less buyers are choosing to leave feedback for any of their sellers. Is it time for feedback to just go away? Maybe.

Yes, for sure fewer buyers are leaving feedback. It's my opinion that many of the "hated" 0 feedback buyers are guests buying from Google search results or from ads presented to them on many sites the visit for other purposes. I think that feedbacks from a "guest" are far a few between. Since Thanksgiving I have made "guest" purchases at maybe 8 or 10 different sites for items my wife has been shopping for and had me buy, and have checked out as "guest" 2 times on eBay. In NONE of those transactions did I leave any sort of feedback or acknowledged that I was even there. I am sure others do the same. I don't leave feedback when I go to home depot or the drug store, and that's how I feel when buying from companies online.


"Is it time for feedback to just go away?" I think not. I think that despite the increasingly sparce peedback left, it is always good to be able to review what feedback a seller has when buying something significant. 


My own personal "peeve", with this ID anyways, is i sometimes wish sellers wouldn't leave me feedback LOL... I'm about to list a crapload of vintage electronics and about 200 records by Febuary and I would like to have the potential buyers see my good feedback right there on top. But I guess I'll live lol.


Message 27 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

I am of the opinion that the (0%) is a perfect reflection of you as a seller.


Your 174 (+) feedbacks received as a buyer are not a reflection of your performance as a seller.


Feedback as a seller, and feedback as a buyer, should be shown individually.


Padding of one's "seller prowess" with buying feedback should be eliminated.


Buying, and selling on the same account is a fool's errand. Once you start doing that you can not safely leave less than positive feedback on a purchase, as a vindictive seller can seek revenge, and destroy your selling

Message 28 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

Your  174 (+) feedacks received as a buyer are not a reflection as your performance as a seller. 

Very good point as well as buying and selling on the same account comment.




Message 29 of 36
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Re: Positive feedback 0%

Feedback has never been more than 40% of transactions, and my opinion is that sellers left most of that.

So if FB disappeared it would be no problem, and might even solve some, since the unhappy customer uses it to complain.


Better might be a transaction number with completed transactions, buyer or seller, constantly rising, unless there is a problem.

Then when the problem is opened, both parties lose a point, which is regained by the winner.

Because that should encourage resolution outside eBay, and also notify others that the member has a lot of Claims.

Message 30 of 36
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