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Please explain what/how promoted listings actually look like on ebay?

A direct ornament competitor has inconsistently showing up on my individual listings at the top of the page with tiny linkable photo icons (maybe 8 photos) and the name of their ebay store in bold red. Also, there are two rows of large photos of at the bottom of listing of other similar items that "you may like". And then there are listing the show up more than once in search or at the top of the search. What are these sellers buying for the extra space? And what is it costing them? percentage, per click.? ... confused  as  I have never promoted. Thanks for explaining.

Adding to above and looked more closely at a single listing... the tier of sponsored goes like this!

Top of page

Sponsored store with tiny icon links

Middle of page

Similar items -medium photos -click to see all

Explore related items -large photos- scrolls across the page or click to see all

Bottom of the page after seller text

You may also like -large photos across

Explore related sponsored items-  six rows of large photos

Find more sponsored items- seven rows large photos

We think you will like with grayed out "sponsored'- one row


I am surprised I sell anything, Geez over 100 listing photos on one listing page!





CDM Antiques
Message 1 of 6
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Please explain what/how promoted listings actually look like on ebay?

Similar Items inside of your listings.
Explore Related Items inside of your listings.
   Those say "sponsored" out to the side.  Those are promoted listings. (I call that cross promotions).
If you promote, there's a chance your items will show up inside of others listings.
Increase the Promotion % and maybe a better chance.
Not many others promoting would increase that chance.
Everybody promoting decreases that chance.

Message 2 of 6
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Please explain what/how promoted listings actually look like on ebay?

The banner at the top of your listing is a seller paying to promote their store.

"Sponsored" listings are sellers paying to promote their listings. 
I couldn't even tell you what it costs because sellers can chose a percentage, for stores I believe its a pay per click that costs the seller daily.

To promote listings they are either using pay per click or pay when the item sells.

I use Promoted listing General at 2% (pay when the item sells) and it has done well for me. 

Message 3 of 6
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Please explain what/how promoted listings actually look like on ebay?

Vendors that pay the highest promotion rates will show up at the top of your page (percentage varies...all depends on what other vendors are willing to pay at that time).   I only promote at minimum 2% (only pay when item sells) and my item has appeared on competitors pages.


If you decide to sure to use General Promotion (you only pay if item sells).    If you use Per Click promotion you pay everything someone clicks on your item (whether they purchase it or not).   That can be very, very expensive and you have no idea what are going to pay.


Message 4 of 6
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Please explain what/how promoted listings actually look like on ebay?

Super helpful... not ready to promote anything.... but if they are paying per click, I will click away....

CDM Antiques
Message 5 of 6
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Please explain what/how promoted listings actually look like on ebay?

@trip98 wrote:

Super helpful... not ready to promote anything.... but if they are paying per click, I will click away....

I had 700 old listings. All were off of the same type of vehicles (Impala).
Old enough that only one Impala sale every couple of weeks, even though my prices were the cheapest out there.
I raised the prices on all 700 by 25%.
I then Promoted all 700 at eBay's "recommended" percentage.  (so basically 16%)
The following weekend,  I sold several of the more expensive Impala parts.  I was surprised because these were $500+ items.  (and they were marked UP 25% also!).
Then, crickets for about a month.  About like it was before I promoted them.
Then, last weekend was like the flood gates opened.  Sold 20 Impala parts Sat and Sun.

It's as if listings start at the top and drop drop drop out of search results as time goes on.
Then come back to the top to start their decline again after 90 days or so.
Promoting, seems to speed up that process where your listings are shown more often in search results.
How much more often?  Have no idea.   
I try to only promote older, stagnant listings. 

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