08-01-2021 07:30 AM
I am a seller from India. Recently got a message from eBay that eBay is replacing PayPal (for sending my payments to my Indian bank account) with Payoneer and I have to open a Payoneer account and link with my eBay account. Followed all procedures for on boarding after opening a Payoneer account. Since then three days have been passed but no updates either from eBay or Payoneer about the status. Can anyone share how long it will take to complete the process? If I create new listings now (in which PayPal is in built), and if items are sold from those listings, whether eBay will send me the payment via PayPal as earlier?
08-01-2021 08:11 AM
Hi there,
Just wanted to let you are on the United States seller chat. We don't use Payoneer in USA.
08-01-2021 02:51 PM
3 days isn't very long, I would wait until all your " ducks are in a row". Go ahead and create drafts of your items while waiting for Payoneer. I have read that they are really particular in information required so be prepared to wait. You can call Payoneer also after a week or two to inquire about your status. Good luck to you.
08-01-2021 03:42 PM
We are using managed payments not Payoneer so probably can't answer your question. PayPal is only available to your buyers in the listings. You will not get PayPal payments via ebay in the near future, but more likely direct payouts to your Payoneer account. However there is a small waiting time between when the change from PayPal payments stop and direct payouts start. Do you use seller HUB? There is a payments tab there maybe that will give you some info. We don't know the waiting time when the change will affect you, do ask ebay directly.
08-01-2021 04:42 PM
Does eBay.in still have a community forum? If not, Payoneer does.
08-02-2021 12:09 AM
Not really your problem, but do you happen to know what is going on with Paypal in Sri Lanka?
We here have been inundated with posts from new SriLankan sellers who are having problems since their government does not allow the use of PP to receive payments. Is Payoneer going to be usable for them? And can SriLankans sell on eBay India?
I know you are very different countries, as different as my nation of Canada is from the USA, but any insight you can give would be appreciated.
08-02-2021 01:01 AM
Payoneer is available in Sri Lanka (as of last January, i believe).