09-11-2023 07:27 AM
OK I have been testing the new promotions so now I have a little experience on the subject. I will be testing some more before calling it quicks.
1 > the problem I'm seeing with slow sales and even promoted sales is the use of A.I. Think of it like this TALKING OUT YOUR TEXTING. And the A.I. gets it all screwed up and you find yourself in trouble for things you did not say. Because the computer MISINTERBITTED your wording. I believe we have the same problem with this promotion program.
2 > SORTING THE LISTINGS The listings are made by the masses of sellers. EACH IS SUBJECT TO INHANCE THEIR LISTINGS & ADDING PROMOTIONS and or ADD ON'S Now I can see the program now has a problem sorting by title or description. It can't determine a proper placement. WHAT IS THE MAIN PRODUCT YOUR SELLING?
3 > The VARIETY is over whelming Add the strange one of a kind rare item. You promoted it. But what can AI do with it. ADD IT TO?
4 > BUYERS are how FLOODED with too many options and drifting away from what they where even shopping for Because A.I. becomes confused with placement and the next thing you know your pulled into too many directions and forget about the item you are shopping for.
5 > You don't promote your your item? Do we now have a eBay NEW CLOSET for the unpromoted items?
From the few listings I have tested so far. And Even the response of views on my Promoted items. I don't see this working well for the BUYER or SELLER. I'm waiting for the extra cost figures for the promoted listings as well.
THE DIVERSITY & VARIETY with the VOLUME and LISTING IDEAS or so DIVERST I feel A.I. are not suited for the eBay FORMAT. It's more suited for NEW FACTORY MADE ITEMS with COPY CAT BAR CODES and SINGLE MUTI Product Placements.
But I want to be Positive about this. So I will play with it a little more. Also don't place your items on the BARGIN PLACEMENT PRICING like .99 I think they are over looked till the end because of low exposure. or the eBay Closet.
09-11-2023 07:39 AM
eBay has created a smorgasbord of promotional tools for you to get into the red with: Promoted Listings Standard, Promoted Listings Advanced, Promoted Listings Express, Promoted Display, Offsite Ads, Markdowns, Coupons, upgrades to your listings, etc, etc. I'm personally burnt out from using all of them as I find none are working. I think eBay chased everyone away. Good Luck.
09-11-2023 07:54 AM
Your right I also design and work live auctions. And I learned a lot about folks and how many think about shopping auctions. DO NOT FLOOD YOUR AUCTIONS WITH TOO MANY OPTIONS. It will run buyers away. It's like going to auction 100 of the same tool VS 5 of the same tool. The 100 option will turn off the normal buyer because they don't want to deal with that many or find it confusing to pick form that many.
I know eBay has to be trying A.I. because I don't see the hiring a army to control the placement of listings
I'm seeing my listings expanding with the same item several times by other sellers I guess the promoted items. NOW Lets expand that by even more promoted listings / or who's getting the ink FIRST
This has to be a A.I. NIGHTMARE in the works.
09-11-2023 08:25 AM
You need to promote at a rate of 100%. No guaranteed sales and no profits but you are guaranteed to make Feebay and the brown noses love you.
09-11-2023 08:37 AM
You have 19 items listed; not enough to much of anything with
You have 19 'unique' items that
a.) only 'certain' people will be 'trying' to find
b.) have little competition
So, Promotions of ANY TYPE are NOT for you.
But, you will have more luck 'selling' if you have a few hundred items.
09-11-2023 09:19 AM
attractions rather than promotion. I would not offer an item I have to promote.
09-11-2023 09:31 AM
Few hundred items? I'm a slow lister too, I do have some specialty items listed at this time. But I also list a variety of items as well. The problem with listing a hundred items is you need more of a standard item or what I call cookie cutter items. But yes a few hundred items is like throwing a deck of cards at a wall and hope one sticks. I'm sure one or two will sick now and then.
I also don't trust the fee UPDATES with my luck eBay will change the rules and I have a Hundred items listed. But the new rules changed to them wanting 10 bucks a listing X 100 OUCH! JUST SAYING. And how will promoted Items fit in a hundred listings setting, in a BIN and they keep renewing it? Do we pay more promo fees at each 30 day turn?
09-11-2023 09:44 AM
And those listing are not getting the viewership or what I call the NEW CLOSET ITEMS. meaning reason for the LOWER & SLOWER SALE rates we are all seeing.
I think it's up to the computer for placement or the A.I. rhythm. I have promoted items that are also not showing much interest as well.. as far as VIEWERS & WATCHERS. And a couple of listings I paid up front for the promoted listing.
But it is also a new learning curve not only for SELLERS & BUYERS but the A.I. system as well.
Right Now It will not work with us. SO WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH IT.
09-11-2023 10:21 AM
@e.pluribusunum7 wrote:And those listing are not getting the viewership or what I call the NEW CLOSET ITEMS. meaning reason for the LOWER & SLOWER SALE rates we are all seeing.
I think it's up to the computer for placement or the A.I. rhythm. I have promoted items that are also not showing much interest as well.. as far as VIEWERS & WATCHERS. And a couple of listings I paid up front for the promoted listing.
But it is also a new learning curve not only for SELLERS & BUYERS but the A.I. system as well.
Right Now It will not work with us. SO WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH IT.
There was a blurb on the news today about how Amazon was going to deal with AI generated items and how they would be denoted/categorized/reconciled for a potential buyers consideration.
Remember in the early days when sellers were able to list what were mystery lots and or even combined lots? I remember because from time to time I would go out on a limb and bid on 1. The seller was taking a chance it would sell at what they wanted to get and I was taking a chance I would get something i wanted or could use. Back when listings were described to the best of a seller's ability and buyers were expected to read the listing in its entirety before committing to buy and pay. (We won't even talk about INAD's and what constitute one in a buyers/eBay's eyes.)
Spring ahead to now that is basically a no no. Now listing mixed lots on eBay has become extremely difficult. They've even removed the field for describing "bundles'. Unfortunately I can't see much of a difference between virtual and AI generated items. Are they really even actually physical items? Any guesses how long before eBay is able to make these items not be a problem on this site? AI could potentially make any listed created with it an INAD. Or put another way an opinion of what you see vs what you receive.
09-11-2023 11:57 AM
Right Now It will not work with us.
From what I understand A.I. is a learning program. No EXPERT HERE! But if this is the case and eBay is betting on a A.I. program running the show of PROMOTIONS? We have a new BABY that knows nothing at this point. It needs to grow and learn sellers and buyers.
A > A.I. type program is better suited for retail when store needs a SALE due to too much inventory. THEN the retailer starts PROMOTIONS & SALES. That is the simple use of promotions. Note the retailer IS NOT PUTTING THE ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY ON THAT PROMOTION. That is another type promotion, That would be PROMOTING THE STORE. What eBay should be doing.. TWO ENTIRLY DIFFERENT THINGS.
eBay is wanting to PROMOTE THE ENTIRE INVENTORY. With millions of SELLERS at the same time and a lot of the same items.
THINK ABOUT HOW THIS IS GOING TO WORK OUT. And the extra fees. They see the power of a penny world wide. But lose focus of the business model working in the real world.
09-11-2023 12:29 PM - edited 09-11-2023 12:32 PM
@e.pluribusunum7 wrote:Right Now It will not work with us.
From what I understand A.I. is a learning program. No EXPERT HERE! But if this is the case and eBay is betting on a A.I. program running the show of PROMOTIONS? We have a new BABY that knows nothing at this point. It needs to grow and learn sellers and buyers.
A > A.I. type program is better suited for retail when store needs a SALE due to too much inventory. THEN the retailer starts PROMOTIONS & SALES. That is the simple use of promotions. Note the retailer IS NOT PUTTING THE ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY ON THAT PROMOTION. That is another type promotion, That would be PROMOTING THE STORE. What eBay should be doing.. TWO ENTIRLY DIFFERENT THINGS.
eBay is wanting to PROMOTE THE ENTIRE INVENTORY. With millions of SELLERS at the same time and a lot of the same items.
THINK ABOUT HOW THIS IS GOING TO WORK OUT. And the extra fees. They see the power of a penny world wide. But lose focus of the business model working in the real world.
Ebay implemented AI could go 1 of several ways. Do what it is intended. Go off the rails entirely. Or a combination of the first 2. Basically garbage in....garbage out. Once this door has been opened there will be no way to close it if/when things do go off the rails. We all know how many times eBay implemented something and it was a dud.
In regards to promotions and other stuff eBay talks about leveling the playing field. Unfortunately with many system changes they do far from that. Larger sellers will always have an unfair advantage over smaller sellers. Promotions are just another (bad) example.
09-11-2023 12:38 PM
@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:
@e.pluribusunum7 wrote:Right Now It will not work with us.
From what I understand A.I. is a learning program. No EXPERT HERE! But if this is the case and eBay is betting on a A.I. program running the show of PROMOTIONS? We have a new BABY that knows nothing at this point. It needs to grow and learn sellers and buyers.
A > A.I. type program is better suited for retail when store needs a SALE due to too much inventory. THEN the retailer starts PROMOTIONS & SALES. That is the simple use of promotions. Note the retailer IS NOT PUTTING THE ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY ON THAT PROMOTION. That is another type promotion, That would be PROMOTING THE STORE. What eBay should be doing.. TWO ENTIRLY DIFFERENT THINGS.
eBay is wanting to PROMOTE THE ENTIRE INVENTORY. With millions of SELLERS at the same time and a lot of the same items.
THINK ABOUT HOW THIS IS GOING TO WORK OUT. And the extra fees. They see the power of a penny world wide. But lose focus of the business model working in the real world.
Ebay implemented AI could go 1 of several ways. Do what it is intended. Go off the rails entirely. Or a combination of the first 2. Basically garbage in....garbage out. Once this door has been opened there will be no way to close it if/when things do go off the rails. We all know how many times eBay implemented something and it was a dud.
In regards to promotions and other stuff eBay talks about leveling the playing field. Unfortunately with many system changes they do far from that. Larger sellers will always have an unfair advantage over smaller sellers. Promotions are just another (bad) example.
One other factor to consider about AI and its implementation. If a seller chooses to use it (ebay's version of it) with their listings and it doesn't work as intended. Who gets held accountable? The seller or eBay?
09-11-2023 12:50 PM
When you start playing use the lowest rate possible. Then go from there. Unique item search may not need as much promoted. If you are one of those smaller sellers selling the same darn things as these mega sellers on here you will be lost in the sauce if you do not promote some of your listings. If you sell in a category item that there are three billion listings your chances of selling it statistically is low. With promotion, maybe less low.
09-11-2023 01:31 PM
Your right I just listed some items that are several specialty valves So I'm going to try and promo one or two and hoping that will draw some viewers to the site.
I really hate that eBay is changing again at this time. I'm really needing the income to cover medical bills. When eBay use to make changes I would stop listing for a year or so. By that time they normally have worked all the kinks out, or dropped a bad idea. Stopping does not look like a good option for me at this time.
GOING BACKWARDS in this economy. And now this.
09-12-2023 06:36 AM
I Paid a EXTRA PROMOTED LISTING FEE OF $1.49 My Items sold for $1.99 And I still have the eBay & Shipping fees. 276022620688
eBay 1 / SELLER - O+ There's more. This is working for good for eBay
Just sold a PROMOTED Chalk Figure from the 50's With A full roll of wheat pennies Paid 30 BUCKS for the item Sold for $20.00 and yes I did check the comps before buying it, BUT THEY ARE FROM THE OLD SYSTEM before they DUMPED A.I. on us. PROMOTED FEE's LISTING FEE'S EXTRA SHIPPING FEE'S
And and I got more.
NOTE > J.C. penny got a NEW CEO who decided NO MORE SALES Just LOW PRICES ALL THE TIME!
The POINT. AMERICA LIVES FOR SALES. What are they teaching these Kids > NO SALES NO BUSINESS. Another BAD IDEA. form a collage trained kid running a show that they know nothing about the real working world or the business they are expected to improve.