03-09-2025 07:19 AM
Searching for this topic here, I see that receiving offers on items only viewed (NOT sponsored items nor added to watchlist) is obviously an issue for many, including myself, especially as a seller. Viewing current items is part of my research, along with checking solds, before listing same or similar items. (And no, I am not a text/photo lifter.) I'm not going to lay out the pros/cons or motivation of this ebay-automated notification code (based on sellers selecting to send offers), because those are well addressed in the myriad other threads on this issue.
Rather, I am wondering if anyone actually KNOWS (not opines) on whether or not a concerted feedback effort has ever been heard and responded to by eBay. For the issue at hand, I am wondering if sending feedback en masse via their platform (not just all of us complaining and trying to find the work arounds here in Community) could prompt a change in code to include the option to Receive Seller Offers for Viewed Items.
1) My eBay
2) Bids & Offers
3) Click on ". . ." next to ítems only viewed, not the ones that are in your watchlist
4) Help & Report
5) Click on one star
6) Send Feedback
7) Enter your feedback* and send
*I set up text replacement so that "Inw" enters: I do NOT want to receive offers for items that are not on my watchlist. Please add function to turn off seller offers on items only viewed.
Any precedent for a concentrated feedback effort working or is it simply another case of my blue-skies-Pollyanna showing?
03-09-2025 07:24 AM - edited 03-09-2025 07:27 AM
There is no chance eBay will stop telling sellers they can send offers to anyone for any reason. Next up, you can send an offer to anyone who just scrolled by your listing while doing a search. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
03-09-2025 07:46 AM
How many do you get?
I, also, research items, plus look at alot of sellers/items on this board because of discussions....... IF I get 2 a day of "recently" viewed.......etc it's more than usual.......
03-09-2025 07:48 AM - edited 03-09-2025 07:49 AM
Change your settings:
03-09-2025 08:30 AM
I opted out of receiving offers and still receive a few a week.
Like you, I look at a lot of listings that I have no interest in buying and don't need any offers for those items.
03-17-2025 01:00 PM
I won’t be surprised if we mention things in conversation and they show up; I swear the internet listens to me somehow. Thanks for replying. 🙂
03-17-2025 01:07 PM
As a work-around, do your "research" searches on a separate account, on which you have seller offers turned OFF.
03-17-2025 01:10 PM
Oh! 💡! Thanks. 😊
03-17-2025 01:12 PM
I don’t see any setting to turn off offers for items simply viewed—and I don’t want to turn off offers for items I am watching.
03-17-2025 02:04 PM
As a seller, I only have seen the option to send an offer to someone who has physically placed a specific item in their watch list. Not someone who is scrolling buy or viewed my listing. I would probably get more responses to offers if I was able to simply send an offer to just anyone who looked at my item. On the flip side, I don't respond to lowball offers either. I consider the lowest I will go and sometimes make a counter offer to someone who offers me my lowest consider price. But I also do not accept counter-offers to my counter offers, nor do I accept offer conditions. I laugh when people say my offer is way too high when I price them lower than completed sale comps. I am not a wholesaler and I am not going to sell an item at a price that nets me less than $1 after all the fees are taken out by ebay. Its just not worth my time to list if its going to net me less than $1