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Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

I just posted a link to one of my items on my Twitter accounts and this is what pops up, IN THE DIRECT LINK TO MY PRODUCT.  Look at the description about new and used options. SMDH 


It's bad enough the competitors' sponsored listings are in the middle of our listings. Now they are promoting them in your social media links to your products. I won't share my personal sm acct here (against policy), but it is the same message. That is telling my direct customer base to shop elsewhere. Not cool ebay. Not cool....


Screen Shot 2023-10-03 at 3.19.52 PM.png

Message 1 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

It doesn't take you to your specific item (prayer book)? It takes you to a search results page and the results are actually accurate? 



Message 2 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed



Are you using a "sharing" button on your listing?  



Are you using  copy/paste of your listing URL to post to your Twitter account on your own?  

If it is the first method, I would think it is intentional by eBay. 
If it the second method, you will have to "tweak" the URL  a bit before submitting. 

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

No, I copied the URL of the listing and pasted it onto the Twitter account. 


I tried your suggestion two ways. I left all the characters in the URL and posted it to my facebook page and then deleted it all after the item number and both still show that message. Not much else I can tweak.  Any ideas? You can see the copied url in the top of the pic. 


Screen Shot 2023-10-03 at 7.33.05 PM.png

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

Yeah true good point here s

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

Sucks that happened to you my friend 

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

Twitter is now X, or X is formally known as Twitter.  Everyone should know that by now.  :)p

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

But what's a tweet now known as?

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 8 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed


I don't know about twitter, but what you show in your screenshot above is how your eBay listing WILL be displayed on F.Book if you just insert the link. Etsy listings and those from other venues will display that way as well if you are just posting the link.   However, clicking on the picture or the link should go directly to your listing. 

Does it go to your eBay listing? or is it directed to some sort of product page? 

I sell in F.Book Groups and Marketplace  I post my own pictures first, then a link to my website in the description as "click the link to see the full description that includes size, condition, provenance, etc." 

Because I have the pictures first, it does not to put that "one picture" scenario you show in your screen shot in message 4.  

 I also post on another venue that will populate what you show in the screen.  However, I can highlight it and delete that portion  before submitting. For some practice (you can delete them any time)  I would try a F.Book Marketplace submission (if you are now presently just posting to to your personal page) , by adding some photos first, and then put the link in the description area on the page and see if that doesn't help.   DON'T click on the "will ship" button on the form.  It signs you up for their "pay" service for life with a buy button which may complicate things even worse. 

I did the URL tweaking a few years back when including links from etsy.  There was a way to change it so that it would lead to your specific page with all the ads removed. You also had to change the URL or it would be a redirect to a page with lots of other people's listings, and your might be in slot 30!  If you just used the link to your listing, it would more often than not populate someone else's  photo/link in place of yours.  

I would send you a link to view one of mine to demonstrate more clearly, but eBay removes all links from messages now even if it is to one of their own pages LOL..

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

It takes people to the listing BUT, it says right there in the box below with the link "Find many new and used options and get the best deals" and then in the actual listing there are more of those promoted listings. 

Message 10 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

I'm sure that anyone who copies the url is going to encounter the same exact thing. You can't even promote your own listings on your specific social media accounts without ebay suggesting other vendors.

Message 11 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

Nope, the 4x I did it today, to see what happened, I posted my pictures first and then pasted the link with and then the item number.  I'm not on Facebook marketplace. It's not a good fit for my biz.  The pictures I included in the OP and in response to you were Twitter and FB, my private page. It doesn't show on the biz page, I just tried it. No added language, just the link, which takes you to the listing. 


They have removed our store names from the url with the item id#, so I guess this is the new matrix. They are using individual sellers' listings to promote everyone that pays for a PL. Ergo, pay or you will not be seen and we will even mess with your social media accounts, that you have spent decades to establish, to steal business from you. People need to at least be made aware of it so that they can do other things to promote themselves off Ebay. 

Message 12 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

Yeah, you're a big help. I'm aware of the name change. SMDH

Message 13 of 14
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Re: Now I'm REALLY Annoyed

I used the share button on my tablet this morning and shared it to X. It was just the link and went right to the listing, so that answers that question. Going forward, I will either use the share button to the ebay store or direct them to my website. Thanks for your input!!

Message 14 of 14
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