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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I averaged around $1600/day in 2016.


I had a down Q4 for 2017 and a downhill slide since then. I was putting $1,000/day or more up in an effort to get $500/day or better out.


What seems to be the new normal for the past two months is around $250.


I am not going to offer free returns or do too much promoted listing. I don't like the policy changes and I am sure they don't need me to. I can accept $250/day as the new normal and I will just put my hard work into other platforms with policies more in line with reality and common sense.


I won't mail you an item for you to look at and mail back. I don't like people doing that and I will argue over it each  and  every  time. That cost me. I know that. No desire to change it.




What on earth is going on the past three days!?


Anyone else have their history of slow sales interrupted by a period of no sales latley? Does your graph look like this or is it just me? It really really really seems like there is a switch somewhere being flipped. At some point they will flip it and I will sell 20 items in two hours. I have seen it too many times. Its not a coiencidence.


I search for my items and I find them. I have others search for my items and they find them. I am not always the top result but I am in there at an acceptable place really.


I don't think there is anything I can do to change it, just wondering if others were experiencing the same thing. Just curious.


It would be super cool if I could call the CS of the platform and get some meaningful answers rather than mindless "turn on free returns" non-sense and no effort whatsoever to even begin to look at what the problem is.


I think maybe there is an issue they won't admit to, or they know their infastructure is inadequet so they are prepared with non-answer answers.

For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I changed over to free returns about 4 weeks ago and my sales did immediately take off again.  It could also have been the timing as my items alway start selling well at this time of year?  I have not had any returns though or request for returns since I switched.


I understand your desire to hold onto your return policy.  This would be a good time to test the free returns for a month and see what effect it will have on your sales and the number of returns you get.  At least by doing this now for a month you will know how this will work during the holiday selling season.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 16 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

It’s been a slog for me, too. Last year things started to perk up at the beginning of August, but not so much this year. Down 40% with no major improvements in sight. 


I tried out free returns to try to counteract the summer slump. Sales did not increase at all, but I lost around $30 a week on shipping for people to try on clothes that didn’t fit. Not worth it.

Message 17 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

The reason is buyers would really have to scroll  a lot to find  them   and something tells  me not too many people will take the time to do all that  .




Why the need to scroll. Just click on the number and it will list them all together.

Message 18 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I love, love, love your sassiness!!!!!  You should start a sassy greeting card line.   But, back to the matter at hand, you are right something is going on.  On my other account where I normally get steady sales, it appears someone has suddenly turned off the faucet.   

Message 19 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I was going to say that we are on our 2nd or 3rd day with nothing to ship.  However, I just had a $15 sale here on my main account, and a very likely $35 sale in progress over on my eCrater store from a buyer who was inquiring about shipping cost and shipping speed on a Fisher Price Imaginext Batman action figure set I have over there.


Let's see if I get to do a 4:20 walk today to the post office at around 2:10  😄

If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique.

-- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #80
Message 20 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I do have a history of slow sales interrupted by a period of no sales latley and my chart looks like yours. The slow days are when eBay is rolling updates. Today is slow, very slow for Friday. Pay attention tomorrow to the changes in listings, navigation, sing in design and more.

2 days ago was slow too and in the end of the day I've noticed the new option  "Sell it faster" in the buttom of the revising listing. Before that is was a new "sing in with Facebook".

My best listing with max watches and sells "went" to draft for no reason in a very misterious way after I've ofered free returns. eBay is "working on it" for 1.5 month to find out what is going on. Never received a promised call back.

I believe several factors responsible for slow sales, but eBay is not helping with glitches they're creating. 


Good luck to everyone.



Message 21 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I think it is supposed to be "NADA", as in nothing (spanish).
Message 22 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Wow! What a great bunch of responses. I don't agree with all of them but I appreciate the time everyone took to give them.


We did 14 day returns when they asked, then 30 days for christmas when they asked, then 30 days always when they asked. Free returns was our limit. I am not willing to do that and never will be. Its not industry standard. Thats objectivley false.


I have went back to no returns like I wanted to do to begin with. Its been great. I have had to deal with FAR FAR FAR fewer problems since I started that. Does that cause me to sell less? For Sure, but thats ok.


I am taking all my clothing down, or moving it another platform rather. Going to get back to the kind of products I was successful with in the beginning. I remove about 40 clothing items per day from ebay. Having a lot of low value items that are not getting views cannot be helping.


I am also going to back to my oldest items and revising or removing them.


I spent a lot of time focused on posting new items and neglected all the items I have had posted for a long time with errors or too high a price.  I am hoping the housing cleaning will improve things a bit.


We did rather well yesterday and then off again today. Have sold $10.51. I don't think they are intentionally turning me off. I believe their is a failing of the system or insufficient infastructure to facilitate the changes they are making AND propogate all items to all areas.


I sold $650 in my new B&M yesterday! Putting my efforts into other channels is helping me keep my bills paid.


I hope they turn me back on in time to sell enough to pay my invoice.

For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
Message 23 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Everyone understands what I meant and picking apart the words used while ignoring the topic at hand is not helpful. If you have nothing meaningful to add please don't clutter the thread with non-sense.

For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
Message 24 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I know it should be "there" and not "their", I missed that. If you feel the need to point that out maybe go work on posting a new item instead.
For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
Message 25 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I 100% agree with you about clothing.


I lost a lot of weight after I got diabetes, so I had a lot of office clothes that no longer fit.


I did well in previous years selling my kids clothes, but this was a nightmare.


I would never sell clothes here.

Message 26 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Urban Dictionary: notta

Opposed to popular belief that "notta"="nada" notta actually is taken from the phrase "not a thing" In short, notta just "not a" smacked together.
Message 27 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

$15.00 ironic, I am going on day 2 of no sales with 1100 items listed, my last 2 sales were on 8/21 $14.95 free ship, and 8/22 $14.95 free ship. both totally different items.

Message 28 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Same on all fronts with the NEW ADDED FEATURES, and NO SALES in the last 2 days. also not mentioned the last 2 days every time I do a NEW listing and fill in the Item price for BUY IT NOW FIXED PRICE listing I get a RED ERROR message saying my item "MUST BE AT LEAST .99 CENTS" and I can't list. my prices were $19.95, $44.00, $99.95, on 3 different new listings. I wipe out the price and try again and it takes 2-3 times before my price will stick and the listing will go through with the error message going away! NEW GLITCH

Message 29 of 41
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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Notta, supposed to be in ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!
Message 30 of 41
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