03-31-2022 10:25 AM
There seems to be an increase in this behavior. I hope Ebay is doing something to these deadbeats. You can leave positive feedback only and in the comment section say they don't pay and avoid them. When I make an offer to someone I now have to enter payment info before they place my offer, so how are others getting away with not paying?
05-02-2022 12:02 PM
Why bother with that "kindly ask them what their intentions are"? If they haven't paid in 4 days, cancel on day #5, citing buyer did not pay as the reason. Or, better still, set your requirements so a cancellation happens automatically at that point.
Another point: You have violated eBay's rules by leaving negative FB for buyers. Those buyers could have reported you, got it removed and left you with defects.
Also, as others have stated, you can list with fixed price, immediate payment required.
How could you have lost that kind of money? Don't you still have the items? Yes, you've been inconvenienced by having to wait to cancel, but where did the money loss come in?
05-02-2022 12:05 PM
You are missing a MAJOR point here pburn.....all of your 'tools' are fine and will work. BUT!!!....eBay is offering a *service* and an *auction platform* that is NOT being managed appropriately or safely for ALL of its clients and customers. If you go to ANY auction, can you just bid away and 'win' something and then just not pay??? Like a car auction, a cattle auction, an estate auction, etc. Plus, there are MANY items people like ME own that we have no idea what the real value is to someone so how in the world can we get the true price from it without an auction? That's often times WHY people like me use eBay! So we can get as much from a piece of art, jewelry, antiques, etc. as we can due to the wide group of interested buyers. That's the entire POINT of an online auction service. I sold a boombox from the 80s that I thought would go for $20-40, it sold for a LOT more than that and eBay MADE a lot more off of that transaction than if I'd just put it on there for a Buy it Now of $30. It's in EBAY'S best interests to FIX this non paying bidder epidemic. I just had to cancel ANOTHER order this morning after waiting 5 days with NO PAYMENT. I'm selling just a handful of items and this is the 4th or 5th time I've had to cancel for non payment. It's very angering. Final thought, if your only 'tools' to avoid non paying jerks are to NOT USE EBAY'S MAIN SERVICE, then eBay is failing its bread-and-butter clients like me. The incentive to list my parent's beautiful treasures is fading into "no way, not worth the effort and stress and time".
05-02-2022 12:12 PM
How can you say you've lost any money when the buyer(s) didn't pay and you still have the items? The logic escapes me.
Wow. How about the simple fact that TIME = MONEY. Your responses ALL sound like they are only coming from YOUR point of view. Which is fine...but you really need to TRY and see this person's problem from THEIR point of view which is also MY point of view. This non paying bidder thing is getting BAD, FAST. I used to list things for auction on ebay years ago and never, ever ran into a single non paying bidder. NEVER, not once. Now it is happening at LEAST 25% of the time, if not MORE. That's crazy and ridiculous and you minimizing it by saying basically "what's the big deal, quit your complaining" is NOT helpful or even logical. This is wrong and needs to be fixed. Come on!!! Ebay offering an online auctions service and letting thousands of winning bids go UNPAID is flat out WRONG. My mind is blown that so many people think that's just fine....cripes.
05-02-2022 02:55 PM - edited 05-02-2022 02:56 PM
Ebay offering an online auctions service and letting thousands of winning bids go UNPAID is flat out WRONG. My mind is blown that so many people think that's just fine
eBay cannot force buyers to pay or sellers to ship. It is not that that is "just fine", it is just that eBay has no way to actually compel such actions.
The only power eBay has involves things directly connected to an account or a transaction. eBay can remove a listing, cancel a transaction, refund a buyer for a payment made, charge a fee to a seller or close an account.
There are things that sellers can do to avoid nonpayment issues such as listing items for a fixed price with immediate payment required and not accepting or making offers.
But if a seller puts items up for auction, the seller must be prepared for the possibility that some buyers may not actually pay, and neither the seller nor eBay can force them to.
05-02-2022 04:08 PM
Looking back at the responses here, I don't see that anyone has stated that "it's just fine" or implied that they feel that way.
Numerous responders have offered suggestions like fixed price, immediate payment required; don't say "make an offer" and don't accept unsolicited offers. Use BIN.
If the OP, for some unknown reason, doesn't want to consider those suggestions, then there isn't much else we can suggest.
Again, no one said it's just fine that there are nonpaying bidders.
05-03-2022 09:35 AM
Seems all you all want to do is mince words and argue. I'll not look for information here anymore. Everything mentioned as a remedy is already done before I ask.
05-03-2022 10:45 AM
Speaking for myself only, if you had mentioned in your original post that you are already doing all the things we've recommended here, our answers might have been a bit different.
05-05-2022 12:19 PM
AGAIN...I just had to cancel yet another auction for non payment not 5 minutes ago! I only list about 2-4 things a WEEK at the MOST. I now have 6 auctions I've had to cancel due to non payment and I've only had about 25 total auctions. That's approx 25% of auctions with people who BID and then WON and didn't pay. That's insane. It's frustrating, time consuming, illegal and EBAY needs to either do something about this huge problem or allow US to do something about it. Period.