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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

This in regards to an email I received April 16, 2021. That email is the first of its kind that I have received telling me of Upcoming changes to how sellers will be paid. 

*Please note: that was just days ago. Less than a week.

It went on to state that I had until MAY 21, 2021 to update my account information. 

To my surprise, on the 18th, I sold one of the 5 or 6 items that I have listed. They paid immediately. 

After reviewing the brief terms that informed me that when I give ebay my account details, I would be legally granting them permission to withdraw payments when they deem themselves owed. 

This is a typical occurrence for most people and businesses, but is something I have learned the hard way to avoid like the plague. 

Knowing there is the slightest chance of a possibility that ebay could grant a buyer a refund before I may be aware of the situation made me decide Not to go there. I simply cannot afford an overdraft fee(s). The money is not there. 

So, I call ebay. I ask how I am to get paid. Could they pay my paypal account? Why was I given a notice only 4 days ago and why wasn't the date in that notice being honored? 

All I got in response was a repeat of their sales pitch, again. 

In summary, ebay will 'Hold' onto my money for the item sold, indefinitely, until I give them my bank account details.

I explained that I am prepared to print and ship the sold item  right then, but not without payment.

Do I now have to cancel this sale?

CRS said I could do that or give my bank info. (A response that had really begun to get old.)

Ultimately, there was NOT a single  alternative solution given. No room for granting any transitional period. 

That, well, I call that **bleep**. 

Mind you, I understand the process. I get it. I just won't partake. 

In the end I'm mad for losing this sale. Being forced to explain to the buyer why. Then discovering that the date I was given was irrelevant. Had I known. I would have pulled my items & not risked any problems. 

Thanks for nothing ebay. As usual. 

Message 1 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

It goes away and says you behind in shipping as calculated by the handling time you show on the listing.  At the moment mine is three days, which was reasonable with PayPal, but not now.  Seems more like a week would be closer if the wait to get the money from eBay is now included.  How to irritate the buyer it seems to me.

Message 16 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@landser2 wrote:

It goes away and says you behind in shipping as calculated by the handling time you show on the listing.  At the moment mine is three days, which was reasonable with PayPal, but not now.  Seems more like a week would be closer if the wait to get the money from eBay is now included.  How to irritate the buyer it seems to me.

If you're waiting to ship until the money is in your bank account, you're the one irritating the buyer.

Message 17 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

Some people are missing the OP's Point.



*Please note: that was just days ago. Less than a week.

It went on to state that I had until MAY 21, 2021 to update my account information."


They are not saying they didnt know about MP or that people had 2 years to get ready Yadda Yadda Yadda.


OP is saying They got an email saying they had Till May 21 & then ebay put them in right away.


That is different from the other MP Complaints.


If you are told you have till Friday to move your car off the street or it will be Towed & on Monday Morning your car is Towed would you not be P'ed off?


Dont tell people they Have till May 21 if you are going to enroll them early.


Not everybody is going to sign up. Some sellers may be winding down their ebaying.


Since OP Did not give Bank Account info ebay should not have assumed they were going to join MP/stay on ebay.


Message 18 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

Dont tell people they Have till May 21 if you are going to enroll them early.



Yes...THIS ^^^^^^^^^

Message 19 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

What other options are there for someone who lives in income based housing and uses the little, I mean VERY little money deposited into paypal to help subsidize for personal hygiene items?  Asking for a disabled friend just getting by. Thank you for any suggestions.

Message 20 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

I've got a few questions for all the people that says "you were told" and "its your responsibility to read the terms and conditions of the platform".  Do you read the entire terms and condition for every product/service/platform you use?  Do you read the every email announcement from products/services/platforms you use in its entirety?  Lastly, do you understand everything in those terms and conditions or announcements?


In regards to eBay I use it as a way to get rid of some stuff I not longer need/want.  I am not doing it as a way to make a living, more power to those that can, and for individuals like myself eBay did things wrong with managed payments.  All sellers should have been told when they were listing an item that they were going to need to set up managed payments then and not after the fact.  If that had been an option for me I wouldn't have list anything and stopped selling then.  By eBay notifying people after the fact it has created a sense of distrust that will be hard for users like myself to rebound from because it makes me skeptical about their business practices, security (seems all over the place), and how they use my data.

Message 21 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@laymandj wrote:

I've got a few questions for all the people that says "you were told" and "its your responsibility to read the terms and conditions of the platform".  Do you read the entire terms and condition for every product/service/platform you use?  Do you read the every email announcement from products/services/platforms you use in its entirety?  Lastly, do you understand everything in those terms and conditions or announcements?


In regards to eBay I use it as a way to get rid of some stuff I not longer need/want.  I am not doing it as a way to make a living, more power to those that can, and for individuals like myself eBay did things wrong with managed payments.  All sellers should have been told when they were listing an item that they were going to need to set up managed payments then and not after the fact.  If that had been an option for me I wouldn't have list anything and stopped selling then.  By eBay notifying people after the fact it has created a sense of distrust that will be hard for users like myself to rebound from because it makes me skeptical about their business practices, security (seems all over the place), and how they use my data.

When eBay sent me that first email telling me that the way I'll be paid was going to change, you can bet your *** I read it.

Message 22 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@thechickchannel wrote:

What other options are there for someone who lives in income based housing and uses the little, I mean VERY little money deposited into paypal to help subsidize for personal hygiene items?  Asking for a disabled friend just getting by. Thank you for any suggestions.

Why does the friend need another option?   What is the issue with changing to Managed Payments for the eBay sales?   Easy to do.  Easy to use.  Fees pretty much identical.   Or are his/her sales are pushing him/her over the income limits for subsidized housing and other benefits but not being reported?   If so, well, your friend has decisions to make.



Message 23 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

this coming from someone who has no feedback or sales history.  Troll much?

Message 24 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@laymandj wrote:

this coming from someone who has no feedback or sales history.  Troll much?

This coming from someone who's clueless about posting IDs. Embarrass yourself much?


Instead of attacking the messenger, tell us what's wrong with the message. eBay saying "you're going to get paid differently" should get everyone's attention.

Message 25 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

There are many ebay sellers who have multiple accounts. The use different accounts for buying and selling and or posting for example. For example I have a account I use just for buying things when I don't want my  identity known.

Message 26 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

haha...what do you mean? Are you saying you make up ids so you can troll people?  Sounds like fun if thats all I had to do all day?


You didn't address my questions either...just spouting off.  Have you read the terms and conditions in the new managed payments system?  Have you switched?  Share you real ID to give yourself some cred otherwise keep your comments to yourself. 


You can see mine while its up.  Been with eBay over 20 years and closing now because of the half baked way the rolled this hot mess out.  Every customer service person I've talked with at eBay on Chat and phone seems to share my frustrations and they seem to be told different things by the day.


FYI for those that care. If you don't provide a bank account any money eBay has will be sent to your state after 180 days where you will then have to claim it from the state as lost or abandoned property due to eBays unwillingness to send you your money in any other form and close your account like any other business.

Message 27 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@laymandj wrote:

Share you real ID to give yourself some cred otherwise keep your comments to yourself. 


Get back to me when eBay puts you in charge of running the forum.


Yes, I've read the terms and conditions. The OP apparently didn't even read the introductory email, which is why they're having problems. They were warned, even though they deny it.


Message 28 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@releasethekraken_1, its easy to hide behind a dummy account and say anything.  The real question here is how eBay notified users adequate?  You appear to feel that is the case but there also appears to be a large group that doesn't feel the same way. 


If you feel like you were notified adequately then great!  You have no issue with eBay.  But don't tell others they were notified if it wasn't in a way that meant something to them.  Meaning just because I email you doesn't mean you saw it among the many emails you might get over the coarse of a day, week or month.   There are also lots of ways this could be missed....gone to spam, eBay email account is not a primary email, etc.  This would be especially true if eBay wasn't your full time gig. 


In my opinion an email wasn't enough.  There should have been more things to make users aware up front before a sale is made and not after the fact.  Two simple things that could have been done would be any time the user logged in before managed payments a notification would come up like an ad.  The other would be before any item new is listed for sale eBay could have made you sign up for managed payment then.  If you disagreed then nothing to worry about because you wouldn't have the mess after the fact with either canceling the sale, losing the money or being frustrated by not being able to close the account due having money in managed payments.


Just curious why are you so angry about people saying they weren't notified?  Work for eBay? 😉

Message 29 of 40
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No more Paypal, no Warning= Ebay keeping $ of Sold Item

@laymandj wrote:

@releasethekraken_1, its easy to hide behind a dummy account and say anything.  The real question here is how eBay notified users adequate?  You appear to feel that is the case but there also appears to be a large group that doesn't feel the same way. 


If you feel like you were notified adequately then great!  You have no issue with eBay.  But don't tell others they were notified if it wasn't in a way that meant something to them.  Meaning just because I email you doesn't mean you saw it among the many emails you might get over the coarse of a day, week or month.   There are also lots of ways this could be missed....gone to spam, eBay email account is not a primary email, etc.  This would be especially true if eBay wasn't your full time gig. 


In my opinion an email wasn't enough.  There should have been more things to make users aware up front before a sale is made and not after the fact.  Two simple things that could have been done would be any time the user logged in before managed payments a notification would come up like an ad.  The other would be before any item new is listed for sale eBay could have made you sign up for managed payment then.  If you disagreed then nothing to worry about because you wouldn't have the mess after the fact with either canceling the sale, losing the money or being frustrated by not being able to close the account due having money in managed payments.


Just curious why are you so angry about people saying they weren't notified?  Work for eBay? 😉

Angry? LOL. Not sure where you get that.


Anyway, nearly all the threads I've seen about lack of notification are started by sellers who had absolutely no clue that eBay was changing payment systems, even though they've been telling us for three years.

Message 30 of 40
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