04-19-2023 11:31 AM
I think ebay has finally run its course. I started out on the platform 22 yrs ago. My sales were consistent until the past year. I realize the economy is bad however, I am experiencing a drought and have been for the last 6-8 months. I have decided to pull the plug. It is no longer fun or worth my time. I have other platforms. I am grateful for that. Does anyone else share my feelings? geese24
04-19-2023 11:37 AM
You're wondering of other people are experiencing slow sales? Yes.
There are also sellers experiencing record high sales, but you rarely see them posting here.
Good luck to you on your other platforms.
04-19-2023 11:41 AM
My sales have been pretty consistent on Ebay. I am down 62 % on Etsy and 54 % on Amazon.
A quick check of other boards on other sites and it is pretty much the same.
04-19-2023 11:46 AM
I started in 1999 and it was REALLY good up until around 2012. I started having serious issues with Ebay/Paypal (what a monopoly!) as it became crystal clear that Ebay/Paypal only cared about the Buyer.
I'm sorry that you've had a bad experience on Ebay. I recently started selling on Mercari. Yes, there are pros and cons to EVERYTHING, but I can say that this will be my last year on Ebay. It's just become completely unacceptable with no support from Ebay itself.
04-19-2023 12:26 PM - edited 04-19-2023 12:28 PM
@goldgoose wrote:I think ebay has finally run its course. I started out on the platform 22 yrs ago. My sales were consistent until the past year. I realize the economy is bad however, I am experiencing a drought and have been for the last 6-8 months. I have decided to pull the plug. It is no longer fun or worth my time. I have other platforms. I am grateful for that. Does anyone else share my feelings? geese24
Here are the first of hundreds to thousands of posts and threads on searching "sales are down" - lots of chat and discussion there.
This has been a daily complaint for years.
ETA: Diversification is always good.
04-19-2023 12:46 PM
I recommend a 10% off sale first to see if it perks things up. It can get people motivated and interested.
04-19-2023 01:24 PM
You sell clothing, that's a category with a ton of sellers not to mention retailers are going to town with specials and have been. There's literal warehouses full of clothes still there from the Pandemic days not to mention more being produced and some of the sales are incredible. My lady spent $200 last week at Macy's online and got basically $850 MSRP of brand new clothes. She did a compare against Amazon and here as much as she could of course and best she figure she saved $200-$350 over pre-owned pricing. Kohls has been blowing stuff out since Xmas and never stopped. JC Penny's online has been been having all sorts of sales since the holidays.
Covid taught Brick & Mortar a big lesson, instead of online being a supplement to mainstream sales change that equation. Macys ships to two hundred countries now for example.
Any seller in goods that these types retailers and mentioned are but a few deal in, you've competition by big retail and there is literally no end in sight.
04-19-2023 10:22 PM
Hello. My drought started in fall of 2021. 2022 was an absolutely horrible year. Never seen it so bad. I started selling in spring of 2001. There was the odd bad week &, sometimes, month. July 2022 was decent. Otherwise, it just kept getting worse. 2023 is even worse than last year; up to now. I do not know if I'll try massive listings or just close out & not bother. I quit the flea market because it was a dying scene. FBM has had good moments. Best of luck to you & all. 🙂
04-20-2023 05:00 AM
2300 listings here. zero sales for the last 2 days. something is going on. Most days i have 10-15. All this is doing is pushing sellers to other platforms. meanwhile, my brother with a new account selling similar items is getting 5 sales a day with 30 listing average.
my guess is ebay is throttling sellers to encourage new users to pay up for their service. why promote a user that has less fee % over a fresh user that has max fees? ebay has always been about behind the door max profit at any cost.
04-20-2023 05:21 AM
A high percentage of Americans are dipping into savings to pay for everyday items. Until that changes, sales are going to be dismal.
04-20-2023 05:46 AM
My sales have gone down tremendously. Started selling 4/3/2022 and did good up until mid Nov. then things slacked off, picked up in Jan. 2023 with 22 orders, 11 in Feb, 8 between March 1 and 16th, and only two orders since then.
I plan to stay until the end of this year and then I will give up. Also plan to do time outs and try selling with a yard sale off and on thru the warmer months and see what happens.
What don't sell, I guess I will let the executor take care of it after I croak. I am 68 and would rather spend my time doing active things instead of checking my e-bay listings multiple times a day to see nothing being ordered.
04-20-2023 05:52 AM
Yea, it's been dead. I got my few sales for the month. I see you have spread your wings that's smart I did the same. But I have my items still listed on ebay. Don't leave just keep posting and if they sell here consider it a bonus. That's what I do. Whatever you do good luck to you and all on ebay.
04-20-2023 02:46 PM
Your thought......"my guess is ebay is throttling sellers to encourage new users to pay up for their service. why promote a user that has less fee % over a fresh user that has max fees? ebay has always been about behind the door max profit at any cost." I agree totally!
And I've had things listed for 90 days and not one view, not one. And like you, I have a friend with a new account....same thing...she's selling like crazy.
04-20-2023 02:56 PM
Clothes are always a tough sell with so many options out there. For myself, my sales took a turn upwards, but I don't sell large amounts of items and I sell used toys, games and books. I felt like some parents got refund checks and wanted to get something for their kids.
Good luck with the other markets or you might try to reduce the costs on some of your items and see how that goes. However, I don't know anything about the clothes market, and you might not want to lower your prices.
04-20-2023 03:10 PM - edited 04-20-2023 03:11 PM
Its a combo of 3 major reasons.
First, its Ebay.
Second, its the economy.
Third, its usually something to do with what you are selling. In your case, your scope is relatively narrow, womens clothing/shoes, and extremely competitive.
I would suggest putting some eggs in other online baskets. Some things may just do better on other platforms.