05-11-2021 07:20 PM
Everyone get the email from Ebay saying they are doing away with the Powerseller Program?
I am so excited - I can download a certificate showing I was a Powerseller !
05-11-2021 08:54 PM
katzrul15, Power Seller status hasn't really been meaningful for many years. But my guess is, ebay hesitated to close it down sooner because they figured it would rile up a lot of people.....but its been so many years now, that I think very few people are really going to be upset about this. Maybe a little sad, for those who have been on ebay since the early days, but I doubt a lot of people will be saying that they are going to leave ebay because of this change....at this point, it's just a bit of Marie Kondo like cleaning out....kind of like the way some of the Community Boards will soon be closed down....
05-11-2021 09:05 PM
All good on my end - until i got the email today, I forgot the PS logo was still there. Can only see it when you go to your Seller Account detail page, otherwise the TRS logo is there. Screwy.
I honestly did not think it got you anything anymore. And I too thought everyone had the 7 day wait to leave FB if anything other than green.
Very few that used to sell when I started are even still here - at least ones I knew. Only a few still stay in touch and only because we are all still on the river.
05-11-2021 09:13 PM - edited 05-11-2021 09:14 PM
The good ol Power Seller board, Raspberrybasket used to act like she owned it, dodgerbillp, loucoins, bobunplugged, thegunstore, flame-o-christ, were all regulars there.
Raspberry's "the back booth ... welcome" thread that went on for years and years.
It was a good forum, then around 2011 or 2012 eBay completely restructured the layout of it, and somehow with that it lost major appeal, and it seemed to lose popularity ever since. Is the board still current now? Last time I checked I could not find it.
The Power Seller mug started out as a joke, one guy on the board claimed to have received a PS mug, but he made it himself. The joke thread got so big and so many PSers complained and wanted one, that eBay finally created them and sent us all mugs, my Dad still has it in his kitchen cabinet. At least that's how I remember the mug creation, it's been nearly 20 years now.
Good times and sad to see it go, but really the PS program has been nothing meaningful for many years.
05-11-2021 09:18 PM
I found it right where you said it would be...on the account detail page. Clicked on it just for fun and it took me to Top Rated seller program information...ebay sure has some issues.
Only other place I've ever seen it was on the packing slip.
05-11-2021 09:25 PM
I never received a mug☹️
Ebay...you owe me 1 mug.
05-11-2021 09:30 PM
I regret clicking the link to print the certificate. When it failed to print I realized the page was not on Ebay.com but an outside vendor...powered by something or other...I am running a full virus scan now.
05-11-2021 09:31 PM
Yes, used to post in that welcome thread every day and was in a private group with them also. Forgot about Loucoins and bobunplugged. Tried to remember who else used to post a lot - bricksale & the gal from ND, Kindred-spirit (something like that) and that mormon gal from CO (Roxanne) who no one could ever figure out if she actually passed away or faked her death to get out of some pickle created on the boards. LMAO.
Until you posted that, I had not thought about those people in years!
Did not remember the story about the PS mug's origin....just remember getting one in the mail - that and some e-bay pins and a bag from e-bay live that one year. We cleaned out a desk a while back and I thru away my PS welcome kit (folder with the certificate and your personalized letter....lol)
Oddly, at 1 time.....it really did mean something to Sellers. But that was 20 years ago. We started selling in '04 and made PS about '06. Big times. lol (btw - it got you nothing except the logo on your listings and access to the super secret board back then, right? PS support to call into, but not much else.
05-11-2021 09:41 PM
If I find mine...it is yours.
Slightly previously enjoyed as a pencil holder at one time....LOL
05-11-2021 09:45 PM
So on this letter, it says we have a "wider set of benefits"........what exactly are those? lol (still just the logo and the 7 day waiting period.....is that what they call "wide"?)
05-11-2021 09:59 PM
...just got eBay's message that PowerSeller is retiring...
...never paid attention on this so...just like another day on Earth...
05-11-2021 10:01 PM
05-11-2021 10:12 PM
They are saying TRS (and, I suppose by extension, TRS Plus listings), have more perks than the old PS program. You can read this, and I think there's actually a few perks not mentioned here, but offhand I'm not sure about them, so I won't mention them LOL:
05-11-2021 10:17 PM
yeah got it, no one cares, but ebay issue is making too many changes to site and everything else all at once.
Curious, Did you download the certificate? I just deleted the mail and laughed.
05-11-2021 10:30 PM
eBay's timing, to say the least, is impeccable.
With all the rest going on, not too many PS'ers are going to be up in arms, too much else to worry about LOL
Timing is key......
05-11-2021 10:33 PM
Does anyone have a screen shot of the certificate? When I try to view it just sits there and never loads.