I am not a newbie to Ebay, but mostly have been a buyer, and infrequently, a seller, so I am definitely a newb for selling.
I just put up a camera for auction yesterday, and I noticed that there are some bids, but there are several from users with 0 feedback, and I have some questions about those:
- Should I be worried about those bids? One of the users looks like he/she has been on Ebay since 2016, and I actually got a question from him/her (and responded), but the other person looks like he/she JUST registered today (October 19, 2020).
- Is there any downside to me, as a seller, to cancelling a bid?
I saw another thread about cancelling bids, and the advice was for an inexpensive item, just let it go, but in this case, the camera is not inexpensive, so I guess I am worried :(. Then again, I know that everyone has to start from somewhere, including with potentially 0 feedback.
What would you all do in this case?