04-28-2017 06:32 PM
Today I've started receiving new notifications from eBay whenever a customer pays their invoice.
The subject is "You've Been Paid!" followed by the title of the listing.
I'm receiving these for every item in a combined invoice. So for example, if a customer paid for an invoice with 20 items, I receive 20 "You've Been Paid!" emails.
I wonder if this is supposed to be a "solution" to the previous problem I'd been having for quite some time, where the eBay payment notification for a combined invoice often listed only one item (as did the shipping label creation page). Years ago, it all worked fine. Please hire more talented coders. I am mystified how buggy and out-of-date eBay is. I get it, there's not much competition, but come on.
Please fix this and keep trying eBay.
04-29-2017 03:16 AM
@greenriverrecords wrote:Today I've started receiving new notifications from eBay whenever a customer pays their invoice.
The subject is "You've Been Paid!" followed by the title of the listing.
I'm receiving these for every item in a combined invoice. So for example, if a customer paid for an invoice with 20 items, I receive 20 "You've Been Paid!" emails.
I wonder if this is supposed to be a "solution" to the previous problem I'd been having for quite some time, where the eBay payment notification for a combined invoice often listed only one item (as did the shipping label creation page). Years ago, it all worked fine. Please hire more talented coders. I am mystified how buggy and out-of-date eBay is. I get it, there's not much competition, but come on.
Please fix this and keep trying eBay.
I have been receiving the same emails for multiple items paid by each buyer. I figured eBay must have changed/fixed something I didn't think was broke to begin with.
04-29-2017 05:23 AM
this is really clogging up the inbox. I'll be setting up an outlook filter to permanently delete these stupid things if I can't figure out how to turn them off. And there seems to be no way to do that. Anyone?
04-29-2017 07:16 AM
I'm getting them too but it means we're getting payments (having sales) and there are worse things in life to fret over. Smile and take it for what it is.
04-29-2017 07:46 AM
04-29-2017 09:10 AM
Not the mention the amount paid is calculated incorrectly, the despatch by date is missing and which undoubtetly will still fail to take into acount weekends and holidays...
04-29-2017 10:37 AM - edited 04-29-2017 10:39 AM
@gymbo_limbo wrote:I'm getting them too but it means we're getting payments (having sales) and there are worse things in life to fret over. Smile and take it for what it is.
Really? Just how many of these nuisance emails per day are you getting? At what point do you become annoyed? 50? 100? 200 a day?
04-30-2017 01:40 PM
I get far too many a day.
If eBay wants us to jump through hoops - they should at least get their act together first.
As far as being annoyed - I should not be receiving ANY of these.
05-01-2017 07:44 AM
Agreed, it's way over-the-top in terms of volume of communication. There is no reason I need a separate "You've been paid" e-mail for every item in a 20-item order. A single e-mail reflecting all items in the order would certainly suffice.
In my opinion these additional e-mails from eBay are an unnecessary addition to the ones we already receive from PayPal. Even if there are users who find them helpful though, there should be a box in the Communication Preferences that we could un-check to turn them off, as there is with all other types of communications from eBay. As far as I can tell, there is not currently a Communication Preference that we can turn off to stop this deluge.
05-04-2017 09:09 AM
YOu've Been Paid! emails are a pain in the butt. I already get a paypal notification for every paid sale and this just confuses things and more emails to figure out what they are and delete. I've even gotten them after I've already mailed the item and wasted time because I thought I had sold the same item twice. These are not needed or wanted..........
05-14-2017 11:16 AM
If eBay won't provide the option to turn off the "You've been paid!" emails, you might consider turning off the "Item Sold" emails instead. That way you're only getting one message about the item successfully selling. You can turn off the "Item Sold" emails under the Account Settings > Communication Preferences > Selling Activity.
It's not ideal, but for those that want to cut down on the number of emails showing up in their inboxes, it's one solution. And yes, I agree that this is frustrating and I'm surprised eBay introduced this new feature without giving members the ability to decide whether to use it or not.
10-10-2017 03:21 PM
Turning off "Items Sold" is NOT the way to eliminate this "You've Been Paid" issue.
Not in my mind, anyway.
CALL eBay and complain!
Keep calling and **bleep**ing until they get rid of this dumbass YOU'VE BEEN PAID **bleep**.
Tell the reps who speak with broken English to ESCALATE the issue!
10-10-2018 01:31 PM
no kidding! I guess no one here has the solution you were looking for, so I am going to spam those emails, I will still get a notification from Paypal that an item sold, so I will just go to ebay to ship until they fix it. Ebay keeps getting worse and worse, I can not imagine 5 years from now, I hope I find a regular job or do not need them anymore at that point because golly!!!
10-10-2018 11:39 PM