04-15-2020 10:36 AM
So now per Andrew Coumo if your in New York State and your in public you must wear a mask and yes, this does include fabric masks. Fabric masks are completely washable. Your not going to catch a virus from the mask. Your going to catch it from someone who is not wearing one.
So where do you expect everyone in NYS to find a mask? There are none in stores. Time for ebay to lift their ban and let anyone who wants to list them list them. As far as price gouging, the more competition of people listing them, the lower the prices will be. Competition has a way of doing that. People can search and find lowest to highest afterall.
Ebay, wake up!
Solved! Go to Best Answer
04-15-2020 10:47 PM
I agree with you . I don't believe it's greedy at all to make and sell masks as long as the seller isn't price gouging . Actually then there's no difference between selling masks or selling anything else . Furthermore we're in the middle of a very dangerous pandemic and masks are something people NEED . Saving lives should be the first priority and worrying over what someone else sells should be last . Tulips
04-16-2020 12:16 AM
New York City is not representative of New York State. I live in a densely populated "college town" area of upstate New York. No masks required anywhere. Plenty of drive thru testing sites set up for the past month that have yet to be used. I grew up in a rural county in Maine, area wise bigger than the state of CT that as of last week had no confirmed cases (not saying it's not there---just no confirmed cases). I feel for all who've gotten sick but plenty of relative normalcy outside the major cities on the eastern seaboard
04-16-2020 12:33 AM - edited 04-16-2020 12:36 AM
Masks are required in DC and the entire state of Maryland now as well. I suspect Virginia will follow shortly, as the DMV has been coordinating their responses. Get caught not wearing one and you'll be fined up to $5,000, and/or thrown in jail.
04-16-2020 12:34 AM
You mean normalcy at this time.
04-16-2020 12:40 AM
Whatever happened to the "Boy in the Bubble" person that started this all. Is he alive still? I hope so.
04-16-2020 01:51 AM
I did notice you left out one certain country in Asia.........
My point is, if they were so good at NOT spreading disease, they failed if this virus started in Asia.
04-16-2020 02:18 AM - edited 04-16-2020 02:19 AM
@bangordiscount wrote:New York City is not representative of New York State. I live in a densely populated "college town" area of upstate New York. No masks required anywhere. Plenty of drive thru testing sites set up for the past month that have yet to be used. I grew up in a rural county in Maine, area wise bigger than the state of CT that as of last week had no confirmed cases (not saying it's not there---just no confirmed cases). I feel for all who've gotten sick but plenty of relative normalcy outside the major cities on the eastern seaboard
Pretty sure Cuomo just did a state wide mask request if you are out in public and can't stay 6ft away from peeps.
04-16-2020 02:51 AM
I had worked at Providence over on First Hill and cars were all but totally useless. Talk about needing filters for the carburetor filters. There were piles of ash everywhere, and sometimes an ailing street sweeper next to them.
04-16-2020 04:19 AM
New Jersey does mandate Masks now in all stores, as well as the tape down aisles for distancing, there are employees with mask, the cashiers have the safeguard plexi glass windows now, wearing masks and gloves. We also have Senior Time to Shop, which is earlier in the morning. Some stores are only allowing 2 shoppers in mini stores at a time. On Palm Sunday, our Churches put psalm on the steps asking for one at a time, keeping distance, as well as masks. We have a limit, one per person on toilet paper, napkins, cleaning products etc.t It's all fine, our Nation has a tendency to hoard these Items. Alcohol swabs and alcohol are also limited. I am all for Keeping This Horrible Disease From Taking So Many Lives, Several Weeks ago, New York, New Jersey, and Conneticut Joined In Together. Bless all those on the front line, The Caregivers, and Others. We have Choices in Life, As an Asthmatic, I opt to Remain Home, matter of choice, we all have to make a decision. You know it's bad when they are taking 2 police cars and Officers Wearing Masks to Stand In Front of ATM Machines, handing out a glove For Sanitary Reasons, and Keep Distancing At the ATM Lines. One Day At A Time, Another Reason Why we can not cross over state lines to go out of New Jersey. Fifteen Minutes of News is enough for me, daily, All The NJ Alerts On Cell Phones, Makeshift Morgues outside all the hospitals, In Refrigerated Containers, is enough to keep Me In, Clean, Attend To My Ebay, My Dog, Family via Skype, Doctors Visits via Skype, I DO NOT WISH TO HAVE A MACHINE TO HELP ME STAY ALIVE, My Choice ~ Netflix, and Chamomile Tea at Night and Melatonin and a Prayer and On To The Next Day. Reality Has Hit, It's Not A Hoax, It's Not Political, It's Not How Much $$ We Have, I Accept and Keep An Open Mind, We Just Need To Get through the Hurdle for a Real Hug. Hubby is A Veteran, The Veterans Hospitals Are Packed, and Doctors Are Skyping The Veterans get a Phone Calls, Or Skype in New Jersey Also. Medications through the Mail, Only.
My Post Man Picks Up My Mail To Go, Early In The Morning, Scans The Items Going, Rings My Doorbell To Let Me Know All Is Fine With My Shipping Labels.
We Are All Doing What We Can, God Bless the Fact We Still Can, and Yes We Shall Recover. Time, Patience, Understanding, Prayer We Are All In This Together.
Be Safe My Friends, Stay Healthy.
04-16-2020 05:44 AM - edited 04-16-2020 05:48 AM
Okay , but my biggest point was that's its not greed to sell face masks at a reasonable price . If people are living in areas that require masks what would they do if all online sites refused to allow them to be sold ? Not everyone can sew , some people are elderly and have bad eyesight and some have arthritis in their hands which won't allow them to do much with them .
This whole mask problem isn't nor should it be a one size fits all thing. I've noticed that some posters here seem to have taken a grim view of humanity just in general . However not everyone is out to take advantage of a crisis. In fact from some of the reports I've heard there are some mighty good people out there who honestly just want to help .
IMO if people want , need or are required to have a mask then they should be allowed to use their own judgement and purchase them anywhere that is able to provide them . Tulips
04-16-2020 05:49 AM
Although we do have masks, they are not the best to wear out when exercising (where we don't run into many other people). DS just remembered he bought a bunch of neck gaiters (with SPF to protect his neck) from a company that makes fishing apparel and accessories a year ago. They are really just tubes of fabric that can be worn in a variety of ways, including covering the lower part of the face. They are easier to breathe in.
04-16-2020 09:45 AM
The Jersey Shore News From My Window: My Heart is Breaking. I heard sirens, twice today. One early this morning took a very young Nurse away, 3 police cars, ambulance, employees manned in heavy security (like in the the movie: Outbreak)
I pray that she will do well, our hospital here is well equipped.
Then within the hour, another nurse down the road, taken away, same scenario.
We Should All Pray for Our Doctors ~ Nurses ~ First Responders ~
My Prayers Go Out To Them.
04-16-2020 09:46 AM
My wife has respiratory issues. She has not been to a store in over a month.
I have some dust masks that will likely pass for wearing a mask, but refuse to provide my wife with one of them so that she can go trotting off to wander around the stores for things she does not need.
sister-in- law told her she had some good masks, and she could have one. I refused to go pick it up.
Wife ordered some cheap useless cloth ones from eBay. Not much money, but a lot considering that they are basically useless.
Now she thinks she is bullet proof (virus proof). I have to explain to her that, short of someone coughing, or sneezing in her face, that the mask is not going to help her. She would be out there touching things that could be virus contaminated.
I have already threatened to jack her car up to remove the wheels😜
04-16-2020 10:36 AM
my concern exactly" some cheap useless cloth ones from eBay. Not much money, but a lot considering that they are basically useless."
everyone got on the bandwagon to make/sell handmade/cloth masks > maybe too much focus on quantity, not quality
04-16-2020 10:42 AM
Mask? No, we need space suits!