04-30-2022 10:31 PM
Seems drastically different...very bubbly. Is there any way to use a previous version?
05-01-2022 12:39 AM
I am having the same problem. Right now the customer help center is closed for another 6 hours. Hopefully someone here knows the secret. I know this has been answered before. Only right now it is 2:30 am and I am just too tired to browse through all the info to find it. If I do locate it come morning or should I say later in the morning I will share with you. I did a sell similar and got the new format now. Ugh Something to really watch out for in the future, but then again how do I know how they entered their information? before I hit the sell similar button????
I know Lonnie on Shed Flips (youtube) showed it one time as well. Hmmm that is another source to look at for help.
05-01-2022 01:12 AM
I found the answer we are part of the early migration to the new way. if you do not have 3 dots up on the right side you cannot go back if you do tap that and choose Classic view.
I do not have 3 dots I guess I am stuck and now have to learn the new way.
05-01-2022 04:53 AM
You can try this,
The links to various selling pages are on the left side under "Selling". I open each page (Sold, Active, Scheduled, etc.) in a new tab and just navigate between tabs. Works for me. Try it. You might like it.
BTW, I haven't used an eBay listing page in years. I just bring up a closed or current listing and use "Sell similar", editing the item to match the parameters of the new listing. No fiddling with constantly-changing eBay listing pages. The listing also gets a new item number and the "New listing" tag when posted. HTH.
05-01-2022 05:35 AM
Bubbly---that's the funniest description of the new version I've seen so far. I hate it when ebay makes me dread signing in to work knowing that any day now I'll be slammed into a wall I don't wish to be slammed in to.
05-01-2022 06:34 AM
@fern*wood wrote:Bubbly---that's the funniest description of the new version I've seen so far. I hate it when ebay makes me dread signing in to work knowing that any day now I'll be slammed into a wall I don't wish to be slammed in to.
I think (Bubbly) accurately fits the description of the new listing form.
Bubbly Tummy Song