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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

As a seller I noticed I wasn't receiving as much feedback as I used to get.  Now I think I know why.  After purchasing and receiving an ebay item I went to leave feedback and was surprised to see that now, instead of clicking positive and leaving a few words, I am expected to click on 7 different areas and leave stars, including "item arrival time", "item description", "seller communication", "Shipping costs"... It's too much and too annoying, and I can understand why buyers aren't doing it anymore. 

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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

Those options have been around for a couple of years at least. All the new form does is move them around a bit.  I find it very simple to use.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

It's been my experience, during my 16 years on ebay, that as many as 50% of buyers fail to leave feedback. (Not maliciously, but they just don't think about it. On most venues, such is not solicited. After all, when one orders from Sears, etc, there is no feedback.) I'm just thankful for whatever positive feedback I receive. I think that at least 1,000 buyers, over the years, have not left feedback.
Message 3 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

I don't think the feedback page is all that complicated at all for buyers.  It certainly doesn't seem to be anything real complicated.  I just think fewer and fewer buyers are leaving ANY feedback.. period.   Let's face it, it's always been a bit of a hassle, meaning you can't even participate without having to get into eBay to begin with.  Uhhhh..... not right now, Dude.  I'm busy with other parts of my life at the moment.  Maybe the next time I'm actually into my account there, but I don't have the time to do it right this minute.  


Even a lot of sellers are no longer participating in this antiquated feedback system, now that buyer feedback doesn't actually reflect any particular truth about them as a transaction partner.


It's got to the point of being a bunch of bologna!  lol  And it's not needed even.  I started another new selling account awhile back for a small line I wanted to offer here.  Even starting without a single feedback, it's doing just fine.  Feedback, and especially feedback numbers, is very overrated.

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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

You’re absolutely correct, I only buy on eBay, around 30 items a month, I always left feedback to sellers as I know how important it is to them, I used the star system too. I now don't leave feedback at all as it's to time consuming. In the past as I started to type a comment my browser would throw up all the past comments I'd made starting with the first letter so if I typed  G my browser would throw up "great seller /good" etc. super-fast but now I don't leave any.. I've now started using amazon prime for some purchases as I no longer feel as I'm part the "community" But as always eBay changes only benefit eBay & no one else.


regards Terry Sim

Message 5 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

I actually find the new feedback page easier to maneuver.  I do not like the fact that someone has no clue which stars to click...meaning that is 1 good or is 5 good, is 1 bad or is 5 bad.  It should state that 5 means satified instead of just guessing which one to click.


Otherwise, I like it.

Message 6 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

see how quick you can leave 30 feedbacks, then you'll see the propblem
Message 7 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

EGG-zackly tsim.

I leave feedback a max of once a month. When there were 15 or 20 listings it was easy to click "positive" on all, give them all 5 stars, and send them off. Some people maybe didn't actually deserve five stars, but I have been happy with probably 98% of everything I've purchased so what's the harm? Two minutes and everybody's happy. I know I bothered some folks who wanted their feedback right away, but the bottom line is that I ALWAYS left it.

I finally checked in to do my monthly feedback today and the new system is horrible. You have to do everything one at a time. You can't prep the whole page and submit like you could before. Some folks have tried to say there is not that much difference, but as tsim says, "see how quick you can leave 30 feedbacks, then you'll see."

Needless to say, I have probably left my last feedback. Though feedback has been meaningless for a long time, I know some people like it, and up to now I have tried to accommodate. It's not a big deal to me if it's not a big deal to me, i.e. if it is fast and simple. It no longer is. That is how little I care about feedback, that I can let such a seemingly minor change put me off completely. I'd like to think I am alone in my attitude, but I doubt it. You can obviously thank ebay for some of your missing feedback.
Message 8 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

It's far less efficient now, but I still take the time to leave feedback both for buyers and for sellers. I thought I was leaving meaningful feedback comments, until I realized that only the first letter of what I wrote was recorded. I'm sure people did not appreciate me leaving them just an, "E." 


Prior to Autumn 2017,  after typing in your first letter, feedback that you had left before would auto fill, saving you typing it over again and again. Although, it still appears that you are doing this, only the first letter actually shows in the feedback comments. I was able to go back and add a comment in the feedback forum, but it's doubtful that everyone will read my updates. Obviously, I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. I noticed multiple feedback comments that have been left for me recently, only showing the first letter as well. People need to be made aware of this issue, and it needs to be corrected.

Message 9 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

I have just filled all the feedback in like I used to and go through the list and add them one at a time.


What I miss is the double click where I could select the feedback that I have left before, and use it again. I can't figure how to get it to save My new ones so I have a bank built up again!  😉 Pam

Message 10 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

@imakesugar wrote:


I can't figure how to get it to save My new ones so I have a bank built up again!

Save a few offline in something like Notepad.  Copy/Paste.  Easy Peasy.


Or be creative and fresh each time.  No bother there either.




Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 11 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

I'm neither creative nor fresh, so I missed the autofill comments. I was able to get one word to stick, so thankfully, it is a good word and that's what I'm using.   I don't know why, but nothing else I enter sticks, so "thanks" it is.   I used to at least have some pretty symbols surround that word, but they don't stay now.

Message 12 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

This might explain why my feedback has dropped off a cliff the last month. 

Message 13 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

@fern*wood wrote:

 I used to at least have some pretty symbols surround that word, but they don't stay now.

NO, not Fairy Dust!!!  Please, never Fairy Dust.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 14 of 17
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New Feedback system - too complicated for buyers to bother with

I'm perfectly fine with ebay making it even more difficult to leave feedback

Message 15 of 17
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