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Negative Feedback

I just had a buyer leave me terrible negative feedback and Ebay sided with the buyer.  If anyone knows a phone number to contact Ebay and speak with a real person, I would appreciate it.  They absolutely need to hear the whole story.  Also, why aren't we allowed to leave negative feedback to buyers?  It seems Ebay doesn't care about us sellers, but with no sellers there are no buyers.  Ive been a seller for over twenty years, and always have gotten positive feedback.  Please help1

Message 1 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

And that is exactly part of the reasoning that Ebay used to remove the option for sellers.  To many used it as a retaliatory method of punishing the buyer for some perceived wrong done to the seller.

Isn't that how buyers use feedback against us?

That's ok though.



Message 61 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@chariot_badgessaid: Isn't that how buyers use feedback against us?



Yes. Oh coarse. This is common knowledge here. What's your point though?

Message 62 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

I just got one. Buyer never contacted me and left a negative a month after buying the item. Said it was damaged. I reached out to them and they were very clear it was not damaged in the mail (which I didn't think it was) I packaged it really well and looked at the Fed EX picture and the box was still in great condition. Finally after several requests they sent me a picture of the damage and it was obvious to me how it was damaged. It got damaged when they (someone else, their story changes) removed a part from it. What I had forgotten was minutes before I packaged it up I actually took video of the item and of me testing it. I often do this with certain items or if a buyer sets off some red flags.


I got in touch with ebay on the phone and told them and they were interested is seeing the video and a day later I got an email from an ebay rep in the removal department to which I showed the video. (Contrary to what people say there is still an old ebay phone number that works.). They acknowledged what I was saying was true but still refused to remove the feedback and explained how my feedback is still great and doesn't affect me. I messaged back saying if someone steals $5 out of my wallet it isn't going to affect me either but its not solely the amount its the act of doing so that bothers me. However, if you allow enough people to steal $5 from your wallet sooner or later it'll start to affect you. 


I also included part of their own feedback removal policy stating directly in the policy feedback should be removed for something out of my control. (I'm paraphrasing). Rep never responded back. Very similar to my experience with those magical Fed EX cost adjustments no one for months would tell me what they were actually for or even refunding me. 


I've thought about it to what ebay has to gain from something like this (feedback removal) when even with clear evidence they won't remove it and the only thing I could think of is why I even started accepting returns in the first place. I didn't use to unless I made a mistake, however ebay's system slowly changed to where if I didn't it really started affecting my business (bogus INADs with no recourse if I didn't accept returns and high shipping cost really hit me). 


This leads me to think perhaps they are or already have some sort of perk to where if you offer free shipping/free returns or something along those lines that all negatives would be removed. Trying to force or nudge particular sellers into offering something they don't want to. 


It is obvious ebay doesn't need small time sellers like me (i get that I don't make them much money compared to larger sellers) and I feel as if I am not much of a priority, if at all. With how much the site and its rules have changed since I first started selling I do feel much more like an employee than ever, having less and less control over my business model.  


One thing they should remember, many buyers are sellers like myself. If you push me away and make it more difficult for me to make money and run my business on ebay I am less likely, if at all, to spend money here as well. As far as feedback removal policy goes it would just be nice if having a long history of good customer service was worth something or at the very least gave you the benefit of doubt. 

Message 63 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@chariot_badges wrote:

And that is exactly part of the reasoning that Ebay used to remove the option for sellers.  To many used it as a retaliatory method of punishing the buyer for some perceived wrong done to the seller.

Isn't that how buyers use feedback against us?

That's ok though.



Sometimes I'm sure that happens.  But most times they feel they have a beef with the seller.  The problem here is that sellers think they are on a level playing field with buyers.  And in business that simply is NOT true.  Too many sellers see these transactions more like personal ones rather than the business transactions they are.


It is not just Ebay that sees it this way either.  So that should tell you something too.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 64 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@slippinjimmy wrote:



Sellers are not allowed to leave negative feedback for buyers for one very simple reason, they demonstrated over and over again that they could not handle the responsibility.






You know that is just ebay drivel they hope you believe

Message 65 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@monster-deals wrote:

@slippinjimmy wrote:



Sellers are not allowed to leave negative feedback for buyers for one very simple reason, they demonstrated over and over again that they could not handle the responsibility.






You know that is just ebay drivel they hope you believe

An hopefully you know this isn't just something that Ebay does not allow.  There is a reason why most if not all similar sites don't allow it.  It is simply bad for Business.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 66 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@zoda99 wrote:

@chariot_badgessaid: Isn't that how buyers use feedback against us?



Yes. Oh coarse. This is common knowledge here. What's your point though?

I guess, when I read the original post I wasn't thinking about retaliatory strikes.  I was thinking more of "Since Ebay has ultimate control over the environment, why not de-weaponize the whole feedback system?  Take the 'power' away from everyone."

Message 67 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

I don't know that the feedback removal tool has worked for anyone. Just declines. It has been 3 years since our last negative (that was removed). 2 recent neutrals both declined removal. See my recent Newbie Bad Buyers post. Buyers need to have a rating based on age of their account and their positive feedback percentage. Fraud accounts are almost always new accounts as well. It should be harder for them to post feedback from the beginning, or get non-positive feedback to stick. In fact it is against eBay buyer guidance to start a return or leave feedback before messaging a seller with an issue. It is expressly against our store's policy to do so with a statement in all of our listings: "If anything does not meet your approval at any time, please message us FIRST before starting a return or submitting feedback (eBay guidance) so we can provide options." and on the thank you sticker on all of our shipped items "Any issue please message us!". I am not as worried about the 2 undeserved neutral ratings we got so much as the next negative we get. And the newbie 6 month old buyer who has left 50% non-positives and ruined multiple established sellers' feedbacks. eBay has cut back the hours and customer service staff. I used to tell the chat assistant to CALL ME and get an option. They would call in 1-2 minutes. It was great. Last one was 24 minutes. Undeserved non-positive feedback results in less transactions... less $ for sellers, less for eBay shareholders because potential buyers go to our feedback page and they don't click on the 3,000 positives this month, just the 1 negative. This was the case with my newbie bad buyer who left that one negative for a non-profit big seller! His 'opinion' is vastly outweighed. That table should not even be there. Buyers should have to page down through all those positives to find the one negative. THAT would be "fair treatment" as eBay purports. And by the way, since sellers cannot leave negative feedback for buyers (as we use to be able to), it is not EVEN treatment either. One good step would be if we could leave a follow up comment to our original feedback. We just do automatic positive feedback when they pay, because why bother? I am working to speak with someone at corporate again about these issues. I was a management consultant, MBA information systems, and industrial engineer in my early days. But all it takes is common sense. Gray area feedback from a newbie buyer should be easier to remove if you are a 25 year veteran seller like us.

Message 68 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

I appreciate you analyzing and providing your opinion on my feedback posts.  

I do not value the eBay feedback system at all because it is as useful as a chocolate teapot.



Message 69 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@ninepurple wrote:

I appreciate you analyzing and providing your opinion on my feedback posts.  

I do not value the eBay feedback system at all because it is as useful as a chocolate teapot.



That is fine, but I didn't offer my opinion on the overall feedback system.  While I do believe there is so much room for improvement in the feedback system, that doesn't mean it is useless or has no value except a buyer's FB.  


Since we can only leave positive FB with a positive statement as FB for a buyer, it renders the FB useless.  I have long suggested to Ebay to do away with buyer FB as so many other sites did years ago.


But FB on a seller is different.  It does have value for buyers considering purchasing from any given seller.  For sellers that treat transactions as personal transaction and not business transaction, that can often show in the responses a seller leaves on negative or neutral fb.  


I see so often where the seller's response to the FB received is so much worse than the FB the buyer left and likely does more harm to the seller than what the buyer initially said.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 70 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

You, as a seller have the ability to leave a response to the negative feedback that other buyers can see.  eBay almost never removes negative feedback left by the buyer.  I do not waste my time with contacting eBay about feedback. My advice to you is just move on and learn from whatever happened.  Just make sure to leave a follow up response so other buyers can get a sense how you handled the situation. Negative feedback happens to every seller eventually. It's how you handle the transaction from beginning to the very end that matters.

Message 71 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@alliebubba0 wrote:

You, as a seller have the ability to leave a response to the negative feedback that other buyers can see.  eBay almost never removes negative feedback left by the buyer.  I do not waste my time with contacting eBay about feedback. My advice to you is just move on and learn from whatever happened.  Just make sure to leave a follow up response so other buyers can get a sense how you handled the situation. Negative feedback happens to every seller eventually. It's how you handle the transaction from beginning to the very end that matters.

That is true now, but that wasn't true until a couple months ago.


Ebay use to remove negative feedback if it broke the feedback policy that Ebay has.  Now Ebay often will not remove a negative FB even when it breaks a published rule.  Ebay is having an AI program the the ultimate decision maker right now and it is clear that it is not always right.


Now many times sellers try to get a negative FB removed but it doesn't break policy, the seller just feels it is undeserved, untrue or they simply don't like it.  Those should not be removed and usually aren't.


The one negative you have doesn't break policy so even if you tried back then, it is unlikely Ebay would have removed it.  I have one of those myself.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 72 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

I agree! I received negative feedback and was not surprised since the buyer threatened to contact eBay on me, instead of simply returning the item for a full refund. 

Message 73 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@me-1827 wrote:

I agree! I received negative feedback and was not surprised since the buyer threatened to contact eBay on me, instead of simply returning the item for a full refund. 



I understand and respect why you were upset.   I agree the buyer should have filed a Request for Return.  That would have been the proper thing to do, but you should also understand that your listing did contradict itself which in turn likely cause the buyer's confusion.  


Your title said there was one dish, but your description said "This oval-shaped dish is perfect for serving escargot and comes in a set of two."  So I see your point, but I also see the buyer's point as well.  Still the buyer should have filed to return the item.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 74 of 76
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Re: Negative Feedback

@me-1827 wrote:

I agree! I received negative feedback and was not surprised since the buyer threatened to contact eBay on me, instead of simply returning the item for a full refund. 


This is a case in which your reply to the neg reflects more negatively on you than on the buyer. 


I get this it's painful to receive a neg you don't feel you deserved but when it happens, we need to calm down before responding. 

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 75 of 76
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