05-11-2018 02:56 PM
Trying to fill out the online form for a USPS insurance claim for a lost package (I am the seller) and need a little help when it comes to the "proof of value" part. Here is what the USPS wants:
"Printouts of the online transaction identifying the purchaser and seller, price paid, date of transaction, description of item purchased, and assurance that the transaction status is completed"
I am thinking they want a screenshot of the Paypal payment to me from the buyer? I see that the Paypal payment states the buyers name and address but does not identify me as the seller except the part where it says Payment Sent To with my email address I accept Paypal payments at. It also only shows the item listing title and not the item description. Is a screenshot of the Paypal payment what the USPS wants for proof of value?
05-11-2018 03:03 PM
05-11-2018 03:06 PM
Thank you for the info. Do I file the claim just for the item price or also the postage paid (for a lost package)?
05-11-2018 03:07 PM
Was it shipped priority mail?
05-11-2018 03:09 PM
05-11-2018 03:09 PM
Yes, shipped Priority mail using Ebay labels.
05-11-2018 03:10 PM
Thank you! I appreciate the help!
05-11-2018 03:11 PM
The majority of the time they'll refund postage if sent priority,but sometimes they don't just depends on whos working the desk that day...
05-11-2018 03:14 PM
@modulok! wrote:Thank you for the info. Do I file the claim just for the item price or also the postage paid (for a lost package)?
Full price, considering they lost it. If it was damaged, then only the item price. They're supposed to refund full amount on lost packages, unless they changed it. If they did, they will deduct the postage. Once submitted you can't resubmit with postage added, so just include it.
05-11-2018 03:20 PM
They used to require the PayPal transaction be in "classic view". You still have that option on PayPal.
05-11-2018 03:56 PM
If I were to include the shipping price in the claim, would the amount be what the buyer paid me for shipping (as shown on the Paypal transaction details page) or what I actually paid to ship the item (lower price because of the Ebay discount on shipping)? I would think I would include the shipping price I actually paid but don't want to confuse the USPS when they see that the shipping price is higher on the Paypal page (the price the buyer paid for shipping).
05-11-2018 03:58 PM
USPS wll reimburse you for what the buyer paid for the item plus (if the package is lost) what you paid to the USPS for postage.
05-11-2018 03:59 PM
Your refund will be what the total paypal payment was....
05-11-2018 04:00 PM
I'm 14 - 0 this year on USPS claims they must be sick...
05-11-2018 04:04 PM