03-22-2021 07:04 PM
This new format is all screwed up ... it states I have 109 items that need Item Specifics updated ... are you kidding me? THOSE listings ALL had them when they were created ... so what did eBay do with them????
How utterly stupid ... do you know how long it will take me to go through 109 items to see what Item Specifics eBay deleted and I have to replace?!?
Mr. Lincoln is NOT a happy camper ...
03-22-2021 07:08 PM
Is it asking for "recommended" or "required" specifics? The word need implies required, but I don't want to make any assumptions. It would help to know what you're seeing.
03-22-2021 07:08 PM
I am finding sometimes, a lsiting that had an answer in every single box has come up again and they have added another section without my knowledge. I do admit to leaving loud angry answers when they eep asking the same stupid question.
I hate Charecter Family. If I say none, the next $$%((* question should not be which family. But that's me. I've done answers in all caps or even shut up once in while.
03-22-2021 07:14 PM
I am not a happy camper either !! There is no access to PayPal on the new format. The views/watch are not there. They tried this a few years ago and IT DOES NOT WORK !! NOT USER FRIENDLY AT ALL.!! Give us back our Classic Format. And quit removing the items specific the idiot that decided this would be a good idea, should be given the boot. At least give us the option of which format to use. For Crying Out Loud !!
03-22-2021 07:19 PM
I mean... It's not like SEO is going to HURT your sales numbers... Just saying.
03-22-2021 07:46 PM
Amen to that, Mr_Lincoln! Ditto! And it's not only the "Specific updates" **bleep**, either. No logic to the new layout at all.
03-22-2021 09:19 PM
I contacted Ebay and spoke to a representative about this same problem (item specifics) as well as me getting messages saying if I update my listings with one day handling I could be a Top-Rated Seller. I am a top-rated seller already and have one day handling on all my listings. The representative checked all my listings and agreed they were already correct. She said there are a number of people having these problems and that she would open up a ticket regarding my concerns. Now my new problem is that when I am listing or relisting items, I keep getting hung up and it says the page is unresponsive. I am unable to make any changes. It references bulksell on the site info line (which I don't think I even use). It is so frustrating!!
03-23-2021 12:25 AM
Unless they're required IS's I don't pay attention to them.