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NEW Sold Page ... Latest Glitch ...

Just checked a view sales and some auctions ended ... used the New Sold page, click Send Invoice ... errrnt, the Send invoice button will not update  ... did it a 2nd time ... errnt, same result.  Checked down in the classic My eBay Sold section and sure enough, the Send Invoice button is gone and the sale is Awaiting Payment. 


The New Sold page will not update

The New Sold page will not update

The New Sold page will not update

The New Sold page will not update

The New Sold page will not update


Gee, another "Not ready for Prime Time" page design ... can not wait for Managed Payments ...


Screenshot (1470).png

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 1 of 17
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Re: NEW Sold Page ... Latest Glitch ...

@mr_lincoln wrote:

brian@ebay  wrote:

 one reason we don't want to display "Print Shipping Label" after an invoice is sent and prior to a buyer making payment is to avoid confusing new sellers. Some new / occasional sellers may think they need to print a label and ship the item out if that option is prominently displayed, even though payment has not been made. We do not want to give new sellers the impression that a label should be purchased and/or an item shipped prior to a buyer making payment. With this in mind, the print label option will not be displayed until after a buyer has paid. 


I can pass along the feedback that some sort of notation be left to inform the seller an invoice has already been sent.


I do want to point out that this sold page is intended for new and/or occasional sellers. This has greatly influenced the layout and design of this page (and other new sell pages not found in Seller Hub). We want these pages to have a clean, uncluttered look so that they are easy to read and understand for new and occasional sellers. For more advanced sellers, we strongly recommend the Seller Hub as it provides more information at a glance.

1. Yes, some kind of notation indicating the Invoice was actually sent, WHERE it can be prominently seen will avoid confusion for both new and old sellers.
2. If this page is designed for new or occasional sellers then why in the world can't experienced Sellers opt out of it?  Plus, the old page was NOT confusing at all so why change it? 
3. Next is the "Shipped" notation, THAT will confuse New or Occasional Sellers because eBay will NOT accept that displayed word the same as a Acceptance scan at the carrier which in fact is when an item is considered to have been "Shipped" ... just having that word show on the Sold page will NOT void a late shipping defect ... you know as well as I do that some new Sellers will say, "but the sold page said it was "Shipped" "... that's confusing, misleading and not accurate. 
Regarding Seller Hub, I do use it for some things but it too has issues, it is still slow, the layout is bland, it wastes space and is not as user friendly as the Classic My eBay pages.  I suggested adding colors to some formats, the eBay Team said great idea, passed it on and ... nothing ... ever ... happened ... which is about the same thing that happened with other good suggestions about the Hub.  It has great potential but still lacks in many areas.  The color scheme with the classic pages allows a quick glance where as Seller Hub does not ... 

Absolutely correct mr_lincoln…. and I cannot believe that we still have to explain how obviously disastrous the new SOLD ITEMS page is. 

Message 16 of 17
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Re: NEW Sold Page ... Latest Glitch ...

@vivabe wrote:

@mr_lincoln wrote:

brian@ebay  wrote:

 one reason we don't want to display "Print Shipping Label" after an invoice is sent and prior to a buyer making payment is to avoid confusing new sellers. Some new / occasional sellers may think they need to print a label and ship the item out if that option is prominently displayed, even though payment has not been made. We do not want to give new sellers the impression that a label should be purchased and/or an item shipped prior to a buyer making payment. With this in mind, the print label option will not be displayed until after a buyer has paid. 


I can pass along the feedback that some sort of notation be left to inform the seller an invoice has already been sent.


I do want to point out that this sold page is intended for new and/or occasional sellers. This has greatly influenced the layout and design of this page (and other new sell pages not found in Seller Hub). We want these pages to have a clean, uncluttered look so that they are easy to read and understand for new and occasional sellers. For more advanced sellers, we strongly recommend the Seller Hub as it provides more information at a glance.

1. Yes, some kind of notation indicating the Invoice was actually sent, WHERE it can be prominently seen will avoid confusion for both new and old sellers.
2. If this page is designed for new or occasional sellers then why in the world can't experienced Sellers opt out of it?  Plus, the old page was NOT confusing at all so why change it? 
3. Next is the "Shipped" notation, THAT will confuse New or Occasional Sellers because eBay will NOT accept that displayed word the same as a Acceptance scan at the carrier which in fact is when an item is considered to have been "Shipped" ... just having that word show on the Sold page will NOT void a late shipping defect ... you know as well as I do that some new Sellers will say, "but the sold page said it was "Shipped" "... that's confusing, misleading and not accurate. 
Regarding Seller Hub, I do use it for some things but it too has issues, it is still slow, the layout is bland, it wastes space and is not as user friendly as the Classic My eBay pages.  I suggested adding colors to some formats, the eBay Team said great idea, passed it on and ... nothing ... ever ... happened ... which is about the same thing that happened with other good suggestions about the Hub.  It has great potential but still lacks in many areas.  The color scheme with the classic pages allows a quick glance where as Seller Hub does not ... 

Absolutely correct mr_lincoln…. and I cannot believe that we still have to explain how obviously disastrous the new SOLD ITEMS page is. 

The comment I received that the intention of the new sold page was to be uncluttered is synonymous to space wasting kindergarten Crayon designing ... sorry but new Sellers aren't stupid, they've probably already navigated HUNDREDS of web site pages in their lifetime before ever starting to Sell on eBay and they (eBay) know it ... people can process a whole lot more then they are given credit for and they (eBay) know that too ... so I am not buying in to any of the explanations and they've probably figured that out too. 

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 17 of 17
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