01-10-2020 11:55 AM
Howdy folks! So my offer for a pricey item was auto accepted early this morning. I'm SO excited! I WON! Yay! But before I pay, I NOW have questions about the listing that are already fully addressed in the listing I didn't read. LOTS of questions. BOY, do I have questions (and a few random opinions, too)! And I bet YOU have questions for me too. Like, you're wondering why on earth did I make an offer for an expensive item if I had questions about it, right? And you're also probably wondering why I have questions that are clearly answered (multiple times, in some cases) in the listing. Come to think of it, you're probably wondering why I didn't even read the listing, aren't you?
But seriously, are buyers now allowed to place "holds" on items (as if a winning bid or offer is the equivalent of a virtual shopping cart) by first making a winning bid/offer and then making payment contingent upon replies to questions the seller has already thoroughly addressed in the listing? Is this now a thing? This is the second time in less than a month that I've had a buyer making up his own arbitrary transaction rules. Incidentally, I gamely answered all the buyer's questions again several hours ago.
01-11-2020 08:30 AM
Short answer: people are weird
01-11-2020 04:53 PM - edited 01-11-2020 04:55 PM
Since you are talking about a vehicle sold through eBay Motors, you should be aware that bids and offers there are not binding. Of course, the time to ask questions is prior to making the offer.
Of course, if the answers are already in the listing, why would you need to ask them again.
01-11-2020 05:07 PM
“Since you are talking about a vehicle sold through eBay Motors, you should be aware that bids and offers there are not binding. Of course, the time to ask questions is prior to making the offer.”
LMFAO. I think you might’ve stumbled into the wrong thread. I’m the seller. My post is poking fun at a buyer. And I’m not selling a car through eBay motors or any other way. I’m not selling a car. At all.
01-11-2020 06:07 PM
I have an iphone with the latest 12.whatever update and the description is very easy to find as well as item specifics. Half the description is visible, if the description is long then a second click to see that page is needed.
01-11-2020 07:48 PM
After 21 years on eBay, I understand griping, and enjoy engaging in it myself from time to time. But recognizing and pointing out which gripes might someday prompt change by eBay and which are a lost cause because nothing it ever likely to change, isn't eBay boot-licking. It's reality checking.
01-12-2020 02:58 AM
“It's reality checking.”
Thanks for dismissing my concerns as mere griping. You are welcome to your opinion. My opinion is that one person posting the same officious comments all over the discussion boards in bold fonts and blood red text is comical, repetitive, and tiresome. I don’t understand why anyone should enjoy or see value in that. But I respect your right to both enjoy it and cheer on those who do. Good day to you.
01-12-2020 05:52 AM
@mesodude wrote:“It's reality checking.”
Thanks for dismissing my concerns as mere griping. You are welcome to your opinion. My opinion is that one person posting the same officious comments all over the discussion boards in bold fonts and blood red text is comical, repetitive, and tiresome. I don’t understand why anyone should enjoy or see value in that. But I respect your right to both enjoy it and cheer on those who do. Good day to you.
Good grief, just file the UPI and move on. So much drama!
01-12-2020 07:05 AM - edited 01-12-2020 07:06 AM
Thanks for dismissing my concerns as mere griping.
You underestimate my assessment of the value of griping. I don't dismiss your concerns or attach a rating of mere to the act of griping. Without griping, little in this world would ever change. But some griping on eBay appears to be pretty much futile. eBay has long had the technology to establish immediate, automatic payment for all sales but hasn't done it and likely never will. That's reality and pretty predictive.
I challenge you to show any example of my enjoying or cheering on whatever unnamed poster you're referring to who posts officious comments in bold fonts and blood red texts. Are you sure of your facts?
I'm also unclear how the above behavior that you describe can be viewed as comical, repetitive and tiresome simultaneously. That seems contradictory.
01-12-2020 07:06 AM
Personally, I think the base problem that you are neglecting to fully consider is that you are working with 'people'. It seems that many, many 'people' have their own opinion(s) of how things should be.gracieallen to OP
Certainly we've all run across the type of people who believe that the rules everyone else must abide by do not pertain to them . In minor cases[ as in this one] these types are just a mild annoyance . However in severe cases these types can find themselves still expressing their opinions from behind bars . Tulips
01-12-2020 07:19 AM
Sure but it’s “drama” you are perfectly capable of avoiding ignoring [hint]. Don’t read my comments or place me on ignore. Easy peasy, right? Enjoy your day.😎
01-12-2020 07:22 AM
"It's not a new thing by any means, but it is happening more and more as more and more people think they're entitled to have what they want, how they want it and to hell with anyone else."
Boy, is that the truth! My all-time favorite so far:
"But it's ME!!"
A response to a counter offer that was super low ball from a buyer I had never worked with before
Thanks parents, job well done, LOL! -lovefindingtreasures
I know of a perfect example of that . I had a friend who actually believed that disciplining children was abuse . She sounded proud of herself when she told me she would let her kids off being grounded as soon as their dad went to work . Guess where all of her three kids ended up spending a lot of their time when they got older ? Seems mom was wrong after all . They did need to abide by the rules . Tulips
01-12-2020 10:05 AM - edited 01-12-2020 10:06 AM
@mesodude wrote:My opinion is that one person posting the same officious comments all over the discussion boards in bold fonts and blood red text is comical, repetitive, and tiresome. I don’t understand why anyone should enjoy or see value in that.
The same comments are posted in many differnt threads because many people ask the same questions in many different threads.
The people who see value in those comments are the people whose questions are answered by those comments.
(At least the ones who consider the information in the posts and not just the font color. )
01-12-2020 10:17 AM
@mesodude wrote:Sure but it’s “drama” you are perfectly capable of avoiding ignoring [hint]. Don’t read my comments or place me on ignore. Easy peasy, right? Enjoy your day.😎
But, some threads that are started are so bizarre that one just gets sucked in before one realizes what a colossal waste of time the original premise is. I suggest you find more productive things to do, like file a UPI and be done with it.
01-12-2020 01:46 PM - edited 01-12-2020 01:47 PM
“But, some threads that are started are so bizarre that one just gets sucked in before one realizes what a colossal waste of time the original premise is.”
That sounds like more of an impulse control problem. As suggested earlier, the ignore feature will guarantee you never waste your time reading my posts again, right? 😎 Good luck to you.
01-13-2020 08:20 AM
Have you filed the UPI yet?