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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

One has to wonder if the move to mobile devices is killing off eBay in general with the way things are going now days ??


Wondering what you all think the future is going to hold when the majority of users are on tiny screens ??


I still sit at home on a PC, but wonder how many of the general public still do, the people I talk to at the flea markets all tell me their computer is their phone, so I don't know how well that bodes for eBay down the road.

Message 1 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??


My thought is a bit different on this.

Currently I think there are two avid groups using mobile devices to purchase and it is the demographics of this group and how they buy that is more significant than the devices themselves.

The first group is the techie business person...they really never were the main buyers on ebay although they contributed but they are savie buyers that are not overly interested in chinese junk and auctions.

The next group are the up and coming younger generation that cut their teeth so to speak on these devices and much of what I would purchase as a 56 year old they have little interest in.

Those of us using the mobile devices in between are mostly folks that have navigated the tech train because if we don't we are left behind. First it was DOS...then windows and our PC 1's then on down the road.

We are moved along by the technology and have found ways to benefit from it by we are not die hard must have these devices kinda folks.

The PC users are the ones mostly buying traditional ebay goods...the young tech kids are spending through their phones for junk...why? cause they dumped $880 into them and after they pay all their other entertainment bills there's not alot of money left for good stuff!

Mr C

Message 2 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Well, eBay tried to become a social network a while back which made very little sense, no way kids who are facebook junkies are coming here.

Message 3 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

@tonycea wrote:

One has to wonder if the move to mobile devices is killing off eBay in general with the way things are going now days ??


Wondering what you all think the future is going to hold when the majority of users are on tiny screens ??


I still sit at home on a PC, but wonder how many of the general public still do, the people I talk to at the flea markets all tell me their computer is their phone, so I don't know how well that bodes for eBay down the road.



Well, since you asked for thoughts about the move to mobile, I will gladly give you my thoughts.


I am PROUD to be a Luddite. I do NOT use a cell phone.   (I never owned one). I do not use a smart phone. (I never owned one).   I do not use a tablet. (I never owned one). I do NOT use any apple product. (I never owned one).


I bought my first computer in 1999 and I used that computer for 8 years before buying my second computer in 2007. When the second PC saw its last days, I bought my current PC in 2013 and I use it for everything I do on eBay.


Now, as far as how I see the direction eBay is going . . . eBay is going to target mobile users going forward. eBay is going to target younger users who are prone to use their smart phones for nearly everything. Older folks who use PCs and who do not adapt to mobile, will "age-off" or die. Adapt or die. To me, it was buying my first PC (in 1999) or falling behind with how society was going about commerce (at THAT time). Also, remember, back in 1999, the first smart phone wasn't even in existence yet. Apple didn't come out with its first generation iPhone until 2007.


As with the evolution of Apple technology since 2007, the capability of these portable devices (iPhones) gets more powerful/robust with its increasing capabilities. Your first PC can't take pictures, can it? The smart phones of today sure can and some of them seem to be able to take pretty good ones too.


With its small form factor, mobile devices, give its users FREEDOM not to be tied down to their PCs. I mean, when laptop computers were available, people bought these in lieu of buying desktops because of their mobility. And, over time, laptops became more powerful and lighter. Then technology companies came out with the smart phones and these have also become more powerful and capable than early computer technology.


Who buys PCs these days apart from businesses and a few Luddites like me? Remember when IBM made computers, and there was DELL, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard, Apple, etc. There are fewer computer manufacturers today because there are fewer people buying computers and are changing their buying habits as to the kind of devices they buy.


eBay, I surmise, recognizes this too, and is making constant changes to cater to mobile users. Remember when eBay came out with its policy changes to sellers regarding the amount of text that could be used in their listings to be limited to, I believe, 800 characters? That change was to cater to mobile users.


I know the sellers are eBay's customers and NO matter how much SCREAMING the sellers are doing, eBay isn't going to listen. WHY? Because eBay is after a portion of the BUYERS' MONEY that they bring to the site to buy from eBay sellers. If buyers are increasingly using mobile technology to do their shopping in the brick-and-mortar world OR online, then it, I genuinely believe, is in eBay's financial interests to go that direction too.


Adapt or die.


Message 4 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Well sure they are going after mobile users. 


But as the use of PC's declines even further, the question is, will this factor kill eBay sales as more folks abandon PC's ??


Like I said, when I'm at the flea markets few people even have PC's now days.

Message 5 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??


Mobile devices killing eBay?


Mobile device shopping is the future of all eCommerce.


I believe I read 40% of all eBay sale are from mobile devices.



.... going off to Google.



You love me for everything you hate me for

Message 6 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Yes, but many users say eBay's apps are no good by what I'm reading.


So with many sellers complaining about slow sales, I'm wondering if this is a major factor causing slow sales on eBay.

Message 7 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??



this is from eBay's 2016 press release:




Looks like just about 1/2 are mobile




You love me for everything you hate me for

Message 8 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

@tonycea wrote:

Well sure they are going after mobile users. 


But as the use of PC's declines even further, the question is, will this factor kill eBay sales as more folks abandon PC's ??


Like I said, when I'm at the flea markets few people even have PC's now days.



I do believe it will eventually kill off eBay sales IF eBay sellers do NOT adapt to mobile.


Remember when I said I bought my first computer back in 1999? To me, I had to adapt to buying a computer (and learning how to use it) otherwise I would fall behind the rest of society who were moving forward.


Message 9 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Ebay has to find a way to successfully, or even halfassed competently, drag this venue to mobility.


It's great to say "I don't have one and never will" but I'm an old, old person and even I don't have a landline anymore.  My children could not be called youngsters or 20-somethings (not even close) and they have phones grafted to their palms.   They also have laptops but they could function in the wilderness for quite some time, or until the batteries died, with just their phones and an Amazon drone.


I have resisted the bigger iphone so far, only because it seems so cumbersome, but we looked again the other day and I saw - it was a miracle !! - a case that would work with a 7s and my aging fingers.  (Not going to wait for the 8 which is supposed to be stupendous but also delayed on delivery.)


Of course we have laptops; not going to sit here all day and work on a phone but soon it will be all phones and tablets.   Or something else - who knows?   We were driving a loaner car this week and realized the nav system thingy was just a tablet bolted to the top of the dash, not a built in screen anymore.


Think what's come along in the last 20 years and what's coming next.  Ebay needs to giddyup and go on this and work out any issues.   I've never tried to do anything ebay on my phone but I hear lots of horror stories.


=^.^= =^.^=
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" " =^.^= " "
Message 10 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Well, I'm thinking that a lot of the current slowdown is due to people who just don't even consider using a PC to surf the internet any longer, so that is my 2 cents.

Message 11 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??



Being the PROUD Luddite that I am, I still own a landline. . . .


As far as eBay, eBay needs to get its act together with respect to its mobile app or apps and really work at fixing it (them). No, I mean really FIXING IT (or THEM) so that eBay users downloading and using the app(s) on THIS site aren't frustrated by their bad experiences.


I mean, I would NEVER dream of using a smart phone for any online shopping UNLESS I had a clear understanding of how things worked. I would be STUPID and CRAZY to leap into using a smart phone without learning about the pitfalls first.


Message 12 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Godzilla, my post read as if I was talking to you.  No, no, I wasn't.  Just about all the people who say "I don't own a phone" and act as if that's going to continue to work.


I would probably win the luddite contest; the other reason why I don't have a newer phone is I have no idea how to do anything other than answering it if it rings and email.  Texting is still a work in progress.  We don't have a landline because of the cost - don't need one at all since our internet provider is through the tv.  Or something like that.


And I agree with you totally and that was what I was trying to say.  Ebay can't get holidays right but they think they're going to conquer mobile shoppers?  


=^.^= =^.^=
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" " =^.^= " "
Message 13 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??


Both my children, late teen and early 20's (and most their friends that I heard of)

do not recognize a need for a desktop computer.


They don't have a wrist watch (cell phone shows the time)

and they stream live video and music from their smart phone.





You love me for everything you hate me for

Message 14 of 84
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Move to mobile killing eBay ??

Do they know what eBay is ?

Message 15 of 84
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