10-18-2019 10:54 AM
I can open these discussion forums and find Many Ebayers are Complaining about the lack of sales. You can put me on that list.
So I am just posting my reason for one possibility. Wrong or right.
Ebay is a dinosaur. There are a lot of fresh faces now in the online sales arena.
Ebay doesn't stay current. They lack any effort to remind people that they are still around. I live in Canada, and I can not remember the last time I have seen any advertising. I hear they had a disastrous Comercial in the US that they had to pull due the flack they received. Goodgoing Ebay
You look at Amazon and Wayfair. They advertise the heck out of their site. Where would you go to do your online shopping? A Place that tells you every day "hear I am", or to a site where the only time you hear the word Ebay is in a Joke. Whats really bad is lately you dont even hear that much of the jokes anymore. Ebay is getting lost and forgotten.Ebay needs to pickup there sox and get the word out. Not just collect the fees.
10-21-2019 02:16 PM
I admit I diversify but unlike Ebay many of the other sites do lot allow you to list just ANYTHING - some want only brand new, some only particular brands, some only crafts or 20+ year old vintage, some only clothing. So pick what has the biggest market for what you are selling as a backup but you can still list on Ebay and get the biggest market.
We are also at the mercy of the economy (more sellers, less buying dollars), time of year (the holidays are around the corner, and trends.
10-21-2019 02:17 PM
Oh yeah and the shipping limits (use their labels, ship in 2 days) and fees (some as high as 25% will also make you cringe.
10-21-2019 03:20 PM
In the end, though, they make money if you make money, so there's no logical reason to think that they would just completely cut off select sellers at the knees.
Unfortunately, eBay makes more money if sellers use promoted listings and managed payments so it would be to their advantage to manipulate visibility to favor sellers using one or both. And I have no doubt that there are search algorithms to do this.
10-21-2019 04:54 PM
"JD turned it into a bargain basement for new merchandise."
Well that was the idea but as of today is a complete failed strategy. I used to buy all kinds of stuff for my business and personal use regularly, daily I would say from shipping boxes of all sizes, bubble wrap, ink for printer, packing tape, computers, cell phones, you mame them, endless list. Then a few months ago I started receiving packages of items bought on Ebay in Amazon boxes so obviously I started looking at the prices there, surprise surprise I never expected but is now true the other website is cheaper and way more reliable. As of today I do not have one single pending order on ebay, all the items I used to buy, well to be fair about 90% of them are cheaper in that other website where I get my stuff in just one day so as a buyer is a no brainer what to do.
**Note: I do not buy refurbished, used items or items from dubious origin or sellers, so my comparisons are apples to apples, new items only, items in the US only.
Ebay raised fees to sellers and squeezed them big time including me by increasing the requirements to get that 10% discount in fees, that increase has been passed on to buyers making Ebay not the bargain site they advertise at all. Site sales is reflecting this, stagnant growth while other websites business is booming.
Is the company aware of the situation? I doubt they are not aware but doubt they have a plan and a strategy, I pray they do, my business depends on it!, in the mean time all I can do is give the site the cold shoulder when buying items if prices are not adequate.
10-21-2019 04:58 PM
"""ebay is getting lost and forgotten.
$22.60 billion in merchandise was sold on eBay in Q2 2019, compared to $23.63 billion in Q2 2018
If that 4.4% dip is what you are calling "lost and forgotten" ... well, eBay can lose 4.4% of GMV every quarter for the next decade and this lost and forgotten site will still be selling $16 billion in merchandise per year."""
You are wrong there, once the site earns and deserving so that is not the bargain site they advertise to be and competition has a better proposition, inevitably the exodus will be much higher, exponentially higher in the future and the revenue lost can increase very easy very fast. Sellers are jumping ship, selling their items cheaper somewhere else, buyer are closely following behind.
10-21-2019 05:22 PM
That's fine. People who cannot be convinced otherwise of what they believe to be true or right regardless of evidence make for lousy business owners. I don't have an agenda nor was I trying to pick on you. I was merely trying to give you something to consider, but it's not what you want to hear and so you're going to discount what I have to say for silly reasons.
I don't need to look at every one of your listings to know what the problem is: You aren't selling highly in-demand items. Doesn't mean it's **bleep**. It doesn't mean you won't ever sell any of it. It just means you can expect sluggish sales and, try as hard as you may, it's ultimately not because eBay has it in for you.
Best of luck.
11-25-2019 03:32 PM
I agree. With the Chinese sales it has turned this once fun site of the hard to find, vintage and unusual into a junk store.
I am a veteran here on ebay and have never had to sell items so low that my profit margin is minimal.
When I have an item I am watching for a possible investment for resale I am saddened by the begging of the seller who has reduced his price just to get it sold. I have never seen so many offers ever. This is a terrivble state. Sellers are being scalped and ebay makes it's fees.
And one more thing, people are not leaving feedback. Never have I ever had this issue. I communicate, make sure all is well, items sells for a great price, fast shipping and no feedback.
I sell used items, horse , equestrian equipment to support a sanctuary, rescue and if there is another selling venue someone knows let me know.
11-25-2019 10:36 PM
4,300,000 Disney items listed on any given day. You are not as unique as you think. Buyers have many choices and they definitely will not always be only choosing you.
11-26-2019 12:24 AM
I see ads for all the different resellers on tv. Posh mark, Amazon, Mercari, even Etsy but no eBay. Their last ad was laughable anyway when I last saw 3 months ago.
11-26-2019 12:57 AM
@trustedbasset wrote:I see ads for all the different resellers on tv. Posh mark, Amazon, Mercari, even Etsy but no eBay. Their last ad was laughable anyway when I last saw 3 months ago.
Strange as I have never seen an ad for Mercari, Posh mark, or Etsy but have seen several Amazon and Ebay ads.
11-26-2019 04:25 AM
I totally agree with you. I know if I am looking for something and I have to sift through too many Chinese and India junk I just give up. Ebay has thrown the U.S. sellers under the bus ,especially the smaller ones who were the backbone of this business to begin with. You can see where it has gotten them. I believe their earnings reports will continue to suffer until they show some respect to the sellers and change some of their policies as well as improve their search capabilities.
11-29-2019 10:57 PM
01-08-2020 09:28 AM
03-17-2020 06:55 AM
I absolutely agree, my sales are in the dumper!
I maintain 60 plus items more or less. Two years ago, I sold on average 7 - 10 items. In the last 1 1/2 years, my average is 1 - 2 items per month. The month of Feb. 2020 I sold one item and the month of March 2020 I have sold nothing. I was always busy, selling or mailing items. I actually am forgetting about it. I haven't listed anything new for over 30 days.
I'm thinking of switching, to another company. I know it will be a lot of work, but I'm thinking about just getting out of Ebay entirely. It almost feels like with the "auto renewal" that my items aren't being relisted and if they are they are way, way, down on the bottom. See you on the other side!
03-17-2020 07:05 AM
So far this month of March 17th 2020 I have in gross sales about $249.51. This is the average I would make in a day give or take a few. My sales have been going down steady now for a year or so.