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Make sense to open a basic store?

Average sales per month:  $650

Pay average 17.50 in relisting fees per mth.

I have around 70 BIN, good til cancelled items listed in the $10-20 range

Not seen any sales on probably half the listings.


I get 50 free listings per month so I must be paying around $6 for 20 reinsertion fees.

Get a store, or delist some of the $10 items that haven't seen a sale in a year to get under the 50 threshold?

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Make sense to open a basic store?

I pay for a medium sized store and about to cancel it. I cant find a reason to list as many items as would make sense to keep it like I use to. I sell way way less than half of what I list here now a days. Stuff just doesnt get views any more.


Funny example. I had a nice morgan dollar for sale in my store for $35 with free shipping. It got 0 views over 9 days. I sent it to auction as a test thinking I might likely give it away since there appeared to be no interest in it. Started 99 cents with $2.99 shipping. Sold for $39 + $2.99. A whole $6 more than I had it listed for for 9 days. Why is this? Because people arent finding certain types of listings any more. I had to basically give something away to get watchers on the coin and let them fight for it. Risky risky. But my store isnt helping me at all any more. It use to for many years.


Hopefully yours does if you decide to go that route.

Message 2 of 7
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Make sense to open a basic store?

Even a Starter store doesn't make sense with those figures.  Delist some times, and rotate over the months. Or consolidate a few listings, to offer the same stuff but in only 50 lots.


The items might sell better if you offer Free shipping, after adding the shipping cost into the selling price.

Message 3 of 7
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Make sense to open a basic store?

I keep around 200 listings on one of my IDs pretty much all the time without ever needing to pay for any listings by taking advantage of free listing promos.  Do you ever get those?  

Message 4 of 7
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Make sense to open a basic store?

There used to be a page on eBay that had a calculator so sellers could see if a store made sense for them. I can't find it anymore - does anybody have that link?

Good night and good luck
Message 5 of 7
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Make sense to open a basic store?

I just accepted a free promo listing today. Do you do this every month?
Message 6 of 7
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Make sense to open a basic store?

@eizner23 wrote:
I just accepted a free promo listing today. Do you do this every month?

I accept any that I receive and usually get one or two each month.  I seldom am able to use them up.   I have a basic store on another ID which rarely receives one.

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