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Local Pick Up

I just sold an item on that I had listed for Local Pick Up.  I had never done this before.  I received payment through PayPal.  I went online to research how to set up pick up and started reading all of the warnings about not allowing the transaction to take place through PayPal and that I should only accept cash.  Since the customer has already paid through PayPal, what should I do to protect myself and prove that the item delivery was complete?   Please help!!  

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Local Pick Up

Okay. First of all, it's a good idea to research this kind of transaction before you offer it rather than after.


Second, sellers are REQUIRED to offer an electronic form of payment and are REQUIRED to accept it if that's how the buyer wants to pay. So far, so good, right?


Third, read this page:


Offering local pickup 


Pay particular attention to this verbiage:


Proof of collection


For proof of collection, you can use the eBay app to scan the QR code or manually enter the 6 digit code the buyer received after completing their purchase.


To scan the code, go to the Arrange Pickup screen on the eBay app and tap the Scan to confirm pickup button. The item will immediately be marked as delivered. You’ll still need to mark the item as paid if you collect cash at the time of delivery.


If the buyer doesn’t have their email with the codes, a signed receipt/invoice or an eBay message from the buyer confirming they collected the item can protect you against item not received cases.

Message 2 of 7
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Local Pick Up

 After the sale, there is not much that a seller can do to protect himself. You will need to have the buyer sign a receipt acknowledging pick up and manage the new QR code eBay has added to Local Pick up. But if any buyer is intent on defrauding the seller, it can happen. Fortunately, most transactions go off without a hitch, and buyers are honest on the whole. I've been selling 10 years without a single incident.


You can cancel the transaction, but eBay will levy a defect on your account. It is considered very bad form by eBay to do so, and ultimately using cancellations to limit risk is in itself risky. But how much is the item worth? If very pricey, cancellation is about the only way to limit your risk at this point. But is it the pet bowls? That is not a high scam item. I believe you can move forward without fear of fraud. Just follow the advice in the link the other poster provided. Good luck, and congrats on a nice sale!

Message 3 of 7
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Local Pick Up

Interesting post. I've never heard of much scamming on eBay local pickup sales. You both know where each other lives and probably each others' phone numbers also so he can't hide if he scams you.  Just put your phone on video record when he picks up the item if you're concerned.

Message 4 of 7
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Local Pick Up

eBay doesn't accept videos as proof of anything.


But agree - I wouldn't worry about it - I've done local pick up from time to time for years.  There are far more honest people than scammers.  If the QR code doesn't work ('oops, we didn't get that fully implemented' was the last excuse I read for it not working), I'd go with the confirmation message as cited above.

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Local Pick Up


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Local Pick Up

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