05-27-2021 05:16 PM
I have a lamp that I would like to list, but I'm in a quandary. I will need to ship the lamp & shade in separate boxes. Is there a way I can calculate the shipping on each box separately~~not Free Shipping. Thanks!
05-27-2021 05:32 PM
No, Ebay shipping isn't set up for that.
You'll have to find out how much it''ll cost to ship both boxes and charge a fixed price on the shipping.
When you go to buy your labels, you can enter the details for each box and buy labels for each one.
05-27-2021 05:37 PM
It might be better to try and list locally as a Pick up - I don't know that I would like to risk sending in 2 packages and may be cost prohibitive.
Are there other shipping services you could check in to for larger items so you could send as one item ?
05-27-2021 05:48 PM
05-27-2021 05:50 PM
If the boxes go over 1 cubic foot in size, you shipping will be package size not weight. You should take time to cacluate shipping before even think about listing. As downunder-61, shipping may be out of site for a lamp.
05-27-2021 06:06 PM
I would list the lamp and shade separately. Put in the listing that the shade is listed and sold separate. Most people would prefer picking their own shades out anyway. Look into the shipping price of the shade because it could be cost prohibitive to even list it. I used to sell shades but not anymore. Most go way above cubic shipping and nobody wants to pay 70-80 dollars shipping for a lamp shade.
05-27-2021 06:49 PM
Hopefully your buyer will like them, and not have you pay to send them back to get refund.
05-27-2021 08:25 PM
You do have to calculate each box separately, but be aware that you consider dimensional weigh charges for the box with the lampshade as UPS and Fedex will charge you by dimensions as opposed by the actual weight. Length x Width x Height/166 Also you need to mention that the lamp is shipped in two boxes in the listing.