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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

My listing was removed I believe because it was deemed to expensive. 4 Rolls of toilet paper for $8.99, I am making $1.30 profit on. The eBay recommendation was near $22. Other sites have a recommendation of 100% mark-up. The eBay phone line has been shut off. My question is, where can I get guidance on how to sell this product?  I’ll be happy to send a pic of my invoice. I was making about half of minimum wage at this price, now I am making nothing. Please help. Thank you. 

Message 1 of 38
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Accepted Solutions

Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

You'd make more money and sell it quicker 'yard sale'-style. Set up a lemonade-type stand anywhere. No FVFs!!!


Heck, make it fun! Your buyer puts your money in a Solo cup at one end of a ping-pong table (6 feet away from you)… you have your buyer walk to the other end of the table (6 feet away from you) and you toss him his purchase!


You grab his money while he grabs the pass!

View Best Answer in original post

Message 11 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy


I believe TP  has also now been banned and is among those products currently banned at this time.....No matter what price, you cannot list said product on this site during this world crisis.


Message 2 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

I don't understand why sellers continue to list items that are banned during this health crisis.
So r u surprised your item was removed?
I encourage u not to attempt to list banned items until banned has been lifted.
Message 3 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

It’s not banned. Thank you.
Message 4 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

Okay,have it your way go ahead list TP
Message 5 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy



I suspect it is still considered to be "attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering..."


Listing and/or repeated attempts at listing TP may have severe seller account consequences, so the advice anyone will give you is to simply move on and find something else to list since it is obvious from your listings and sold items that you just recently started listing this sort of product and to me that is a sure sign of tying to profiteer.

Message 6 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

Thank you for the guesses, feelings, beliefs, and other speculation, I appreciate getting to know what other sellers say. I think it’s all been covered, so I hope to hear from an eBay moderator, or someone from eBay who knows for sure what is happening here. Please help.
Message 7 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

We did help but you refuse to accept it .
Message 8 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

@moddist wrote:

My question is, where can I get guidance on how to sell this product?


Wouldn't try relisting it here.

You can always donate it.



Have a great day.
Message 9 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

It was pulled because it was banned to prevent price gouging from individuals buying more then they need thus creating shortages across the country. I would stop doing this as you and your buyers state could file charges against you. Even if the sale gets cancelled you may legally be liable no mater how low your mark up was.

Message 10 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

You'd make more money and sell it quicker 'yard sale'-style. Set up a lemonade-type stand anywhere. No FVFs!!!


Heck, make it fun! Your buyer puts your money in a Solo cup at one end of a ping-pong table (6 feet away from you)… you have your buyer walk to the other end of the table (6 feet away from you) and you toss him his purchase!


You grab his money while he grabs the pass!

Message 11 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

I see you have been selling sold 6 roll packs of Charmin toilet paper for $59.64 with shipping and 16 oz Dial liquid soap for $23.75 with shipping. I just bought two 4 oz Dial liquid soap bottles at Walmart for 98 cents each last night.


Message 12 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

In view of above info theteamsetguy provided it appears u have been price gauging during this health crisis
Message 13 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

You're a price gouger pure and simple.

Glad to see eBay actually is removing listings for this 🙂

Message 14 of 38
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Listing Removed due to Disaster Policy

Looking over your completed listings you are price gouging....that's why your listing got taken down

Message 15 of 38
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