05-28-2018 10:47 AM
Tried to post 1917 WW1 trench knife-listing was removed and I was restricted on ebay for 30days. My listing complied with their written policy re knives etc. and...the very same trench knfe is currently listed for sale on their site and....numerous similar and exact knives have been sold on ebay in the last two months and can be seen via their advanced search. What the heck is going on and why am I being singled out for punishment.
Is this discrimination or just a mistake on their part ...and how do I fix this problem. I could not get any satisfaction or resolution with 2 calls to their "customer service".
05-28-2018 10:59 AM
A few links to others or a photo may help.
Anyway I took a look and your store is still up. Im assuming your banned from listing more items.
As for the knife I did a quick search and the one I found has what looks like brass knuckles (for lack of a better term). Im pretty sure anything like that is not allowed on eBay. Just because someone else is selling them doesn't mean anything. It just means you got dinged and they didn't... YET....
Your not alone its happened to me also. I has a Makita drill listed and got a 30 day suspension because they pulled the listings. Seems Makita doesn't sell drills internationally and because I was listing a 10 year old used drill with international shipping. Well you get the ideal.
05-28-2018 11:01 AM
05-28-2018 11:02 AM
I understand you are upset and why. But I'm sorry to say, there is nothing you can do. It seems this is not your first infraction, as I don't believe a 30 day suspension is given for a first offense. You need to be very careful now because you could lose your selling privileges permanently if any other violations occur.
DO NOT relist this item. You are on the radar, and if you re list, and the listing is removed, you could be gone permanently.
Don't list by checking to see if the item is already listed on Ebay. Items may be listed that are not allowed by Ebay. Check the prohibited items list via the link above. If any doubt, call ebay CS. But know that they may give you the all clear and the listing could still get pulled and you could still be sanctioned.
A competitor might have reported your item, or just someone who thinks it should not be listed.
Please be very careful going forward; stay safe!
05-28-2018 11:10 AM
What was the reason they gave you for the takedown? It should be in the message they sent about the restriction.
I still see 9 listings up for you, btw.
It is difficult to say why yours was removed and not the others, but it happens often. The others may not have been caught yet or it could be their listings are in compliance. It could be yours got reported by a competitor.
You are on the eBay radar now. You will have to be doubly careful in the future not to get more violations which could lead to a permanent restriction.
05-28-2018 11:12 AM
05-28-2018 11:17 AM
05-28-2018 12:16 PM
@willybsmart wrote:
Yes, I was warned for listing antique brass, non-reloadable, empty Winchester shotgun shells...WOW...but I did read their knife prohibitions very carefully and the "trench knives" are in compliance...I'm no lawyer but I guess I should conclude that its just not worth pursuing anything even remotely weapon related. A BUMMER! How about all the archery stuff they have listed...certainly easier to do harm with a crossbow with scope and bolt at 385 fps than a 100 year old antique knife. Hmmmm , how about that!
From your experiences, it seems that that is a very difficult category to navigate and list in. It could be someone's interpretation or perception that they think it is not ebay legal; or it could be that the restricted items list has not been properly updated. Sometimes policy pages aren't updated properly when a policy change goes into effect, so the information there may not be truly reflective of the current policy.
Just be very careful; and so sorry this happened. It is hard not to be upset when yours are pulled but others remain up.
05-28-2018 12:48 PM
The problem with items that are restricted or banned by definition (as opposed to, say, violations of copyright and trademark that are easily researched and dealt with), like this one, is that that there may be multiple versions of what the restrictions mean — what fits the description of what's banned?
The answer may well depend on who's interpreting the guidelines. The seller may have an expert intrepretation of the guidelines, but it's ultimately up to whomever is reviewing the listing, and that person may have another interpretation. It may be a dumb, ill-informed interpretation — I doubt that eBay keeps a staff of experts on call to examine possible violations in every single category and sub-category — but that's what eBay is going to go with. Or if 'bots are doing the review, it's up to whoever programmed the 'bot.
Frankly, for a lot of military antique items, a specialist website or a private auction would probably be a better venue than eBay — certainly, a friendlier one. eBay focuses too much on mass-market items these days, it just doesn't have the mental bandwidth to be accommodating to specialists anymore.