02-03-2021 04:54 PM
I'm starting a new discussion since the chat is locked. From today's e-mail that eBay sent-
"Starting February 22nd, 2021, as part of our item specifics updates, certain variation details will no longer be valid. When you update listings with variations, you may need to revise your variation details."
Listings that are missing required IS appear in the search filter provided. Variation listings that may be flagged for IS no longer being valid are not appearing in the search filter unless they're missing IS. eBay is not flagging those listings in any way. I can only find out when a listing is affected if I attempt to individually update that listing by chance- when updating price, inventory, etc.
How can I find out which variation listings have attributes that are no longer valid as of February 22 since the required IS filter does not flag them?
brittanie@ebay replied to this question in today's chat-
Unfortunately, there's a limitation with multi-SKU variations where they are not shown and cannot be filtered. You would only be able to view variations needing updating when editing the listings.
They said this Seller Center page has more info on multiple variations at the bottom. They know this is not ideal and it sounds like they are hopeful there may be a better solution in the future to identify these.
Brittanie- what does this mean for any impacted variation listings that aren't manually identified before February 22? Will they renew? Will they end? Will they be removed?
02-04-2021 03:46 PM
@coffeebean832 Thank you for tagging me here. I am following up for more info and will let you know once I have confirmation on what you can expect with this.
02-05-2021 12:00 AM
I’ve actually been battling this issue with MV listings since about December 2019 I think.
Back then they gave weird errors that didn’t make sense... like the price needs to be above 99 cents when the price obviously was since it was set at for instance $15 each variation. It was later I found out that the system wasn’t allowing me to use the word “Type” as an attribute anymore. I think that link you sent also mentions using the word “type” as an attribute.
It’s taken me years to adjust all of my listings (it’s very difficult since some of my listings have well over 100 variations). So I actually already experience the revision restriction on these MV listings for quite some time now. Some listings I haven’t revised to comply yet, and I simply don’t revise anything on those. They continue to renew themselves though.
02-25-2021 03:08 PM
It appears this update is operating the same as past updates. Variation listings will stay active when the attribute is no longer a valid attribute- but you can't edit the listing unless you overhaul your attributes. brittanie@ebay
I've gone through the same pains as you @bigdeals.etc with having to overhaul variation listings the past few years. I still have a few to go that I can't update inventory or price unless I do a complete overhaul- or end and start anew.
03-01-2021 12:27 PM
@coffeebean832 Thank you for letting me know. I can definitely pass along your feedback about this experience to the right team. They are aware it's not ideal how variations work, but they didn't have any further solutions to offer me at this time unfortunately.