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It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

When buyers receive  items not as described or defective, and need to return the item, very often they incurred additional cost to package the item before returning it. That's because, to open the package, one must destroy the onetime use packaging. eBay needs to take that into consideration and factor that in the refund process.


Buyers should never lose money just because they shopped on eBay. Sellers get the ability to deduct from their taxes for return merchandise whereas buyers do not.


eBay must create the ability for buyers to upload receipt for packages when they need to return items either not as described or item is defective so sellers can reimburse buyers.

Message 1 of 106
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105 REPLIES 105

Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

Every time I open a package, or even a boxed item I purchased in a b&m store, I do it carefully in case there is something wrong with the item and I need to return.


I also do not let my dog open my packages or unbox my new purchases.

Message 31 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

     I would really like USPS and UPS to refund me for the boxes and packing materials when I have to use my own but that isn't going to happen either. 

Message 32 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

eBay already gives sellers the shaft in just about every possible way, so your suggestion is more stupidity.



Message 33 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

Yep, that's why they make socks with handles - for ebay sellers.sockhandle.jpg

Message 34 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

It's on you to to be careful opening packages.

Sounds like you have repeated issues with this, to the point that you're now complaining here, so it's time to learn not to tear into packages like a kid on Christmas morning.

Message 35 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

So not only are buyers abusing returns but you now want them to be given money above and beyond to do so?

I have had to return ONE item on eBay in 28 years. If you are having to return that many items maybe, just maybe, it's not the seller's.


Message 36 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

seriously? i don't think any business or seller does this...why is the packing material of bubble wrap, peanuts or foam not reusable? even the box usually is too...

Message 37 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

I feel like he's trolling with this post. Can't believe he's serious.

Message 38 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

@sumsum70 wrote:

Here is an even better idea - eBay gives sellers the ability to block buyers who complain, leave bad feedback and open returns more often than most buyers. Until then, I just have to add you to my BBL manually.

That is what you can use your BBL for.  I'm not sure a different BBL would offer anything more than the current one we have.  You can add any member ID you want to on the current BBL.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 39 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

@adamcartwright wrote:

I feel like he's trolling with this post. Can't believe he's serious.

Their other thread has similar ridiculous ideas too.  I'm thinking this is all just entertainment for the OP.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 40 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

@9ahau wrote:

When buyers receive  items not as described or defective, and need to return the item, very often they incurred additional cost to package the item before returning it. That's because, to open the package, one must destroy the onetime use packaging. eBay needs to take that into consideration and factor that in the refund process.


Buyers should never lose money just because they shopped on eBay. Sellers get the ability to deduct from their taxes for return merchandise whereas buyers do not.


eBay must create the ability for buyers to upload receipt for packages when they need to return items either not as described or item is defective so sellers can reimburse buyers.


Do you want brick & mortar stores to start paying for gas for you to drive to their stores to return the items you bought?


Stop destroying your packaging materials. Nearly every return I've ever gotten was put back in it's original shipping materials ... if the buyer sliced the padded envelope open, they just taped over the slice. Not rocket science...


If you buy online, you probably buy more than one thing per century ... got any amazon boxes lying around? Amazon padded envelopes?

Message 41 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

@9ahau wrote:

When buyers receive  items not as described or defective, and need to return the item, very often they incurred additional cost to package the item before returning it. 


 Sellers get the ability to deduct from their taxes for return merchandise whereas buyers do not




If ebay doesn't agree with your proposal will you be contacting government to  suggest that buyers also be provided with the ability to take a tax deduction ?

Message 42 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

Oh wow, I didn't realize it was that poster.  I agree, this is just trolling, or else some edgy teen who doesn't really even understand what they're asking.

Message 43 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

When you shop in any brick and mortar store and go back to return an item, do you get reimbursed for your gas driving back to the store?

Return means a return in original packaging, not any re-packaging by a Buyer. If the packaging got damaged by a postal service, it's a different issue where the insurance comes to play.

In a case of a return, you should communicate with the Seller. Most of sellers always will make it right.


Message 44 of 106
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Re: It's Time to Reimburse Buyers for Return Packaging

What I meant was that eBay should let sellers block bad buyers automatically. As I've said before, eBay has all of the data. eBay knows which buyers open returns and leave non-positive feedback at rates which significantly deviate from the norm. It would not be difficult for eBay to give us a checkbox in the buyer requirements tab to block those buyers.


eBay is never interested in helping sellers, so here is another way that could help eBay - all of those blocked buyers will open new accounts to circumvent the blocks and eBay can then brag to shareholders that active users increased.


While they are at it, eBay could also give me a checkbox to never show me search results from sellers who get 1200 negs per month - and also the 15 other eBay accounts that same seller uses.

Message 45 of 106
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