10-27-2021 03:21 AM
I sold an item for £160 a few days ago but the postcode on the buyers address isn't correct (its far too short), I have messaged the buyer a few times asking them to verify so I can arrange a courier. No response at all and I see they only have one feedback from 2 years ago.
I obviously can't send the item unless I hear from them but has anyone heard of this as a scam?
I only ask becasue I have been approached multiple times on another selling platform by what is very obviously a scam so I am now very dubious.
Also, will I get bad feedback if I have to cancel the order - which is what I am assuming is going to happen?
10-27-2021 03:47 AM
How could it be a scam if you are not able to ship because of an incorrect postal code?
Just cancel, using "problem with buyer's address" as the reason.
There will be no penalty and the buyer will not be able to leave feedback at all.
10-27-2021 04:13 AM
When I go into the shipping label, Ebay suggests what they think the postcode could be. If I went ahead and sent it, I assume the buyer could claim it wasn't received as I went ahead with posting without confirmation?
As I said, I'm being overly cautious as I have been approached by very obvious fraud recently so my guard is up. It could be a genuine mistake on the buyers part but I would assume they would have been in contact by now.
10-27-2021 04:18 AM - edited 10-27-2021 04:19 AM
If you google the buyers address, you will be able to get the correct postcode.
Although, no response from the buyer sounds dodgy.
10-27-2021 04:37 AM
It is annoying, but I would not say dodgy, I quite often buy something and once I have paid and received the confirmation I don't often think to go check on it so I would not see a message.
Googling the suburb as you said will give the correct PC [do you call them suburbs over there]
10-27-2021 05:00 AM
If the address is incorrect and you tried to contact the buyer and he/she has not responded I would simply cancel the order as problem with the buyers address. I would not attempt to guess on the postal code if that is incorrect it is possible that other things are also incorrect.
If they do eventually contact you tell them you reposted the item but they need to correct their shipping address. You loose what limited seller protection you have if you ship to an address other than what the buyer has registered as their official mailing address.
10-27-2021 05:18 AM - edited 10-27-2021 05:19 AM
Here in the USA if the address is incorrect the USPS will send it back to the seller, the buyer loses all protection in these cases, of course you're in the UK so I can't really say what they would do, perhaps you should try asking this question on the UK boards.
10-27-2021 07:17 AM
You should cancel the sale for problem with buyer's address an then not relist as you do not normally sell items in the £160 price range. Never sell an item more than two standard deviations beyond your average sale or any loss will negate all of your sales over an extended period of time. There are online calculators to do the math for you.