06-12-2023 11:28 AM
Is there an easy way to discount all items that have been listed over a year. I have 10,000 listings and I don't want to have to go through individually. Thanks for any help.
06-12-2023 12:21 PM
You can create a markdown sale. with the objective of move older items
When you get to the item selection - if you select items (500 at a time) a list of items will appear.
To the right side it will show you the number of days on the site.
You can check each one, at least you won't have to look them up one by one.
06-12-2023 12:28 PM
Thanks. I appreciate the help. I figured there was a way. I will give it a try.
06-12-2023 12:40 PM
Do you have a store? Use markdown manager and just put a % off sale.
06-12-2023 02:39 PM
In order to do Run a Promotion, or Mark Down you items in Bulk, you will need a store.
Good luck on your selling journey.