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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

I'm only getting about 5-10% of the feedback for items I've sold and I'm up to date with feedback I've left as a seller. I know I can contact each individual, but I'd like to figure out a way to send out a mass message as a reminder to reciprocate feedback!


Any help is appreciated. 



Message 1 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

@chaddilacdesignsig wrote:

 I'd like to figure out a way to send out a mass message as a reminder to reciprocate feedback!

Thankfully, eBay has not provided sellers with a way to spam their buyers.

Message 2 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

Let it go. Ignore it.


eBay will send a reminder automatically. Too many reminders becomes irritating to some. Buyers who don't leave feedback don't hurt you. One irritated buyer will.


Message 3 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!


Don't shake the bushes...

                                             Don't poke the dog...

                                                                                 Don't rock the boat.


There are some people out there who, once you show a little interest in them, reward you with negative attention which includes negative feedback. 


What you're getting is the norm.  Be grateful.

Message 4 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

Not applicable

@chaddilacdesignsig wrote:

I know I can contact each individual


Don't, you're asking for trouble


@chaddilacdesignsig wrote:

I'd like to figure out a way to send out a mass message as a reminder to reciprocate feedback!


Double don''re asking for even more trouble

Message 5 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

Reminding, or even asking buyers to leave you feedback is not recommended.  It may get you a negative.


If it makes you feel any better, my feedback rate is less than 25%. 

Bye Bye Love - The Cars
Message 6 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

You have plenty of feedback already and are past the point of needing any more to look like you know what you are doing.


All pestering buyers is going to do is open you up to some you don't want

Message 7 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

Perspective;   I have over 9,000 feedbacks and never have I asked or reminded anyone to feedback me. 


Also, feedback is supposed to be voluntary. 


Reminder;  the feedback in today's ebay is invalid and useless anyway. 


Reminder:  due to the many changes ebay has done in the last 5 years, feedback along with

everything else on this site, is a hassle and takes twice as long.    

Message 8 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

You guys all made sense!! Thanks for the replies!!!


Message 9 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

Back in the early days, I had a seller inbox me 10 days in a row to leave feedback, let's just say, he didn't like getting with he asked for.

Message 10 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

I hate getting those emails.  We leave FB and we leave it generously when it applies.  When we opt to not leave FB - we are being kind.  You likely would not like the FB we might leave if we do if time has passed and we have chosen to just "not".


We sell for the $$, not the FB.  ymmv


(you have over 2500 FB - is there a reason this is important to you right now?)

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 11 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!



< I'm up to date with feedback I've left as a seller ... send out a mass message as a reminder to reciprocate feedback! >     


As others have said, it's not a good idea for a seller to ask for feedback.  You catch the wrong person on the wrong day and you might just get something like what one unhappy seller got....  


eBay Will Bug You for Feedback.PNG


Message 12 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

I don't leave feedback, haven't in years.




Because the people I want to leave feedback for, I can only leave positive.  

Message 13 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

LOL!!!! Thanks!


Message 14 of 17
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Is there a way to remind buyers to leave feedback... Multiples not individually!

Good luck, I noticed feedback left started to decline when US states started collecting sales tax for out of state commerce.  Now it['s at a all time low for me too!  For 10 items SOLD I usually get 1 feedback left.  Everything on their website is taking much longer to perform, and regular clicked buttons I used to use, like SOLD items, and the page that opened up allowed me to see everything fast like:  feedback left, tracking numbers to click on quickly to check progress, delivery statuses, etc...  One click of OLD eBay did everything, Now 3 clicks does 1 thing, and so performing 3 things now takes 9 clicks and EXPLORING all the time to fine the thing your looking for.  IT really is like Someone high up in eBay has been told to slow down people, so they can't pay their debt.  The agenda is really rather simple, slow people down from doing what they want to do.  Charge them more, since they are hooked on us!  LOL find other ways to sell stuff is where my energy is going these days,  I'll rely less and less on eBay going forward!

Message 15 of 17
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