02-21-2019 01:45 PM
I had this sample formula on ebay for a while now and sold 1 can so far. It is not from wic or a company. I bought it to resell from goodwill. Pretty sure is says not for resell on the can meaning the retailer.
anyway is it allowed to sell sample formula on ebay? I ask because even after selling a can and being on there for months a buyer messaged me. They said its not ok to sell on ebay and that I reported you to ebay. This **bleep** me off because you can sell samples on ebay and the formula was not from wic.
also, if I buyer reports an item to ebay what happens? What would happen in my situation if anything?thanks
Please answer. thanks.
02-21-2019 01:55 PM
Generally speaking "not for resale" doesn't apply to us customers.
Here's eBay's food policy
02-21-2019 01:58 PM
It appears to me the unopened baby formula you sold,
with an unexpired date of 2020
is Ok and within eBay policies.
BLOCK the eBayer that messaged you, now.