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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

I can't believe I'm the only person with a set of these coasters.


Oh and just FTR when I first searched conoco coasters what I got was t-shirts......really eBay?




Crusader Cat is watching

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - L Tolstoy

"You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not however, entitled to your own facts."

Message 1 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

@dadsfloridatreasure wrote:

Did you even list them because I searched your store and they're not there?

If you didn't list them, I think you're giving everyone a false impression that this situation is proving eBay Search is faulty.  I think you're just surprised that you're the only one to have these coasters.

There is nothing false about it - ebay search is frustratingly, time wastingly bad.


I picked up a pile of 80s/90s concert tshirts yesterday and just spent an hour researching them.  One band, ebay kept auto correcting the spelling by dropping one of the double letters (that has happened a lot today) and showing me 3 items for just the corrected band name, and then tons of unrelated stuff that ebay thinks is related.  When I finally got search to look for the corect spelling there are thousands of items.


My favorite proof of how special needs ebay's AI is was when I would put in the band name, the word shirt and the main word of the tour name and ebay would show me 0 results - but in the unrelated search results there would be 10 or so tshirts with the band name, the name of the tour and tshirt in the title.

Message 16 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

OP, your coasters might be something that was given out to the bosses at company headquarters.  And that is why there are none listed and why they are obviously high quality.


We have a couple of company headquarters around here and all kinds of one of a kind items with the brand show up here and nowhere else.


I would check to see if a percentage of the Conoco stuff is getting bought and for what, if the auctions are getting bids.  If not much sells, or gets bids, you might have some new coasters for your living room.

Message 17 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

My searches returned items that had absolutely nothing to do with what I have...even the titles did not have the item name in it.


Search also picks up Description and Item Specifics I've been told.

Message 18 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

@ymeagainlord wrote:
I've tried every which way I can think of, even on google, bing and dogpile.

Nothing even on worthpoint

The suckers are heavy - about 1 1/2 lbs, not your average lightweight throwaway ad coasters. Probably given out to station owners back when maybe.

But you'd think they'd show up somewhere.

Not necessarily. I quite often have booklets from companies that are now defunct, or current companies and the product is defunct, and I can find absolutely zero information about them anywhere.  No info about the actual booklet, no info about the product being advertised, no info about the actual company.  Not from Ebay, not from Etsy, not from Google, not from Bing,  not from anywhere.


That's when I wing it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If those coasters were not released to the general public - if they were given only to station owners as some sort of award or whatever, you most likely won't find anything about them.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 19 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

Rose, good point about them maybe being a HQ kind of thing. The coasters themselves don't appear to have been used, so most likely sat on a corner table in an office.

Crusader Cat is watching

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - L Tolstoy

"You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not however, entitled to your own facts."

Message 20 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

@retrose1 wrote:
 ...  One band, ebay kept auto correcting the spelling by dropping one of the double letters (that has happened a lot today) and showing me 3 items for just the corrected band name ....

Be sure to put the auto-correct version in your listing title, so your listing will be among the few that show up when inattentive potential buyers enter the group's name!

Message 21 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

It looks like you'll be leading the pack on pricing for that one.  Sky's the limit!

Message 22 of 23
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Is it just me or is search really this bad?

@tunicaslot wrote:

I just searched for the coasters and came up with 0 results. I see a Conoco truck and t-shirts. No wonder sales are down 50%. I've found the past 2 weeks that I've been back - search is wonky. I'm repeatedly getting - can not find this page when I click on listings.


I'm beginning to think it would be less of a summer slow down if search wasn't so bad lately. 


And update - Free Returns and many of my newly listed items still have 0 views. I use to be able to do a bulk edit and refresh them but even that isn't working.

I've found many of my listings missing item specifics I know for a fact I added, missing photos when you supposedly can't list without them, missing catalog specifics I know I attached.

Message 23 of 23
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