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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

I usually sell at least 3 items per day and there is always best offers or sales that were made overnight when i check in the morning.

I have not sold anything for the past 5 or 6 days and i'm down almost 40 percent now.

I have listed items that normally sell within a few hours and are not selling at all.

Is it just me ? Or is everyone down ?



Message 1 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

@studiodog1 wrote:

I usually sell at least 3 items per day and there is always best offers or sales that were made overnight when i check in the morning.

I have not sold anything for the past 5 or 6 days and i'm down almost 40 percent now.


On this account I see you had 28 sales in April, 25 in March, and 22 in February.  That works out to roughly one sale a day. 


Although you say you have no had any sales in the last 5 or6 days, I see sales on May 5th, 4th, and 1st.


I also see many other occasions in the past three months where you have gone a number of days without a sale. 


It appears your slump has been going on this way for several months, not several days!


Message 31 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

Naturally Ebay hides the numbers on purpose.
Message 32 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

You are actually being smart assed. When a person writes on the community they are not so dumb that they know most Ebayers are not participants. They really are just venting.
You also suggest that what one is selling is totally responsible for the number of sales and use the ridiculous example of Ferrari cars. Many sellers have lots of different types of items very reasonably priced. Truthfully Ebay does play around with their little tests and how searches are performed. They also recommend ridiculous 99 cent auctions with free shipping and encourage buyers to return items knowing they can just mark as "does not match description". Also once an item is paid for buyers often are shown the same item for sale at a lower price which encourages the buyers to immediately ask for a cancellation. Sellers are actually forced into accepting the cancellation in fear of negative feedback or eventually having a case opened up against them. Ebay knows that items cancelled means they still get to keep the fees for the postage and this adds up as profits for Ebay.
Message 33 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

@lindyslucky wrote:

Happy Derby Day!!

Was just checking my account thinking well there will be no activity today because it's a BIG holiday.

Then realized its a big holiday Just in Kentucky.

The whole area has been in a party.

@lindyslucky I'm in NJ and my brother goes over to the downs in PA for the horse racers.  He likes to gamble on every race but nothing than what he afford to lose.  Anyway, the night before he asked me if I wanted to pick a few horses and he'd buy tickets for me there before it started: he gave me the list of names to choose from and I picked three strictly on name alone.  One name that kept sticking out was 'Always Dreaming' for some reason I didn't go with it.  Darn! ... Should have trusted my gut instinct on that.  I am so annoyed at myself for not choosing it to win or even win/place/show!


I bet Kentucky is a lot fun when it's race season.

Happy 2018! May this upcoming year be a prosperous one!
Message 34 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

This is the third week in a row with a sale on Etsy and nothing on ebay. This has never happened before. At it's worst I would get one sale a week here. And I get a few views so I know I'm visible. This must be the new improved ebay. Very strange. 

Search for Anything. 0 results.
Message 35 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

Thank you for your reply!

Kentucky is so unbelievably beautiful this time of year, the races are part of it.

You would never believe the excitement and  the colors. Flowers are blooming, it's sooo green.  And for The Oaks and the Derby, the beautiful clothes and hats.

And, I must say, when I had a chance to go to the Oaks, I got my hat on Ebay!

As nice as it would be, Just couldn't go for one of those $700.00 custom hats, but a lot of ladies do. Look at photos online at the Courier a Journal site.

Ladies don't have much of a chance to wear a hat and many really welcome the opportunity! It was very nice and I saw at least 20 others just like it, different colors!

We really do it right for that week. 

Has made it extra hard to buckle down and list on Ebay the past week!  

But, when we had the Brick and Mortar store, Derby was work work. It is for many who live here. But exciting!!

Celebs would come in to buy outfits. Pull up in limos for  Men's suits and ties. We sold red, yellow, pink, purple, shoes too.

And we sold more men's hats than any independent retailer in Kentucky (we think)

Just love selling!

Sorry you didn't win, I never do either.

So, back to listing! Can't sell if I don't list!

Message 36 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

I only sold 1 item Sat, nothing Fri or today so far. I always get worried it's just me. I did sell some lower priced items last week.  Sales better pickup or I won't be able to pay my ebay fees.    

Message 37 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

Me too! I wonder if I am wasting my time when you see how much is taken out! Also buyers have more places to buy than ever before. I wish I could reach somebody higher than the people at the help desk with questions and suggestions. They should bend over backwards to help us because when we make money, they make money.
Message 38 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

I don't know if it was for eveyone but, April was absolutely pathetic.  May started out much better.  21 sales in Apr. compared to 26 from May 1-5.  Weekends have been dead for a long time now.  I was lucky enough to have 1 buyer take 13 listings in 1 day; 7 on another.  Definitely looking up but, never look forward to sales on Sat/Sun. anymore.  I cannot afford another April on here.  Good luck to all.  Cheers!

Message 39 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

It sucks and it's frustrating. Sales died about a month ago here. Sales on Etsy at least a year ago those tanked. It's everywhere. Not just here. Everyone said it's the pre election, than everyone said it's the election, than everyone said it's having a new president. It just gets worse and worse every day till you no longer get any sales and that's where I'm at.
Message 40 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

I agree, they are no help. I get calls from ebay from time to time, advising about promo tools or pushing ebay branded items. I try to ask questions, and inform them that I have NEVER sold an item in a promo listing. They know nothing , they always say "let me email you a link on that". Really ?? Forget it!!
Message 41 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

No sales in 5 days.   The categories that I sell in are common items that generally sell on a recurring basis.


The mail carrier does not look forward to stopping on Mondays for pick up of my weekend sales.  He must have been all smiles when the flag was not up on the box this week.


Within the past 2 weeks I have procured about $2000 (retail) worth of stuff to sell.  Now it is just sitting.


eBay offers those that are TRS a $30 "promoted item" invoice credit.  Problem with that is it is for "multiple item" selected categories.


I have no problem with the multiple. I have multiples of many of the items that I sell.


Problem is that they do not fall into the "selected catagories" offered, and the "selected categories list" is apparently a secret. 


When starting a promoted "campaign" I get to see if the item is eligible. Although many are in the same "general category" (eBay motors) they are not in the final specific eligible limited category.


Good thing I only do this (sell on eBay) to amuse myself, and do not count on it to survive.

Message 42 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

It's horrible, 1 thing sold per day at an average of $9.00 per item. I have a Franklin silver set that is priced to move and it's just sitting there for 10 days now. All my other things are doing the same, it's frustrating to say the least. I was doing really well last year and it didn't stop until 3 weeks ago. It really stinks.

Lets hope it picks up for all of us soon.

Message 43 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

Not applicable

Since May 1 I have had the worst sales in the history of my Ebay store. Interesting timing that I just changed my store from a yearly subscription to month- to- month. I have about 750 items in my store and my sales for a week were less than $50. Also no feedback, no messages , zilch , DEAD. I am so frustrated I think  my relationship with Ebay has come to an end.  Talked to a customer service rep and they said nothing looks amiss- 100% feedback, top rated seller .....Last month was pretty good but I did get a lot of buyers contacting me with low ball offers on my fixed priced items ( which never happened before). Back in the day I really had fun with my Ebay business, now it is just a bummer.

Message 44 of 119
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Is everyone slow or is it just me ?

Google pretty much cut eBay out of the gravy train long ago, so unless they decide to turn eBay on, you can't expect much, just the residual customers eBay has left shop here.

Message 45 of 119
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