I just got a message from Ebay that I can't quite parse. I listed a vintage power cord (NOS) and I am being told that either (1) item must "be matched with a product from the eBay catalog" or (2) item "have an invalid product identifier". Here is the exact quote and sorry I din't know how to do those screen shots: "1 [sic] of your listings either (a) need to be matched with a product from the eBay catalog or (b) have an invalid product identifier." There is no match with the catalog according to Ebay which is no surpise since item is a vintage brand that is long out of production. And so just what do they mean that it should have an invalid product identifier? I don't even know what a valid product identifier might be and certainly can't even begin to guess why a widget should have an invalid identifier.
Or is this just another example of bad grammer and sloppy editing coming out of Ebay that should be ignored.
I should note that I did get as far as the adding a new product to their catalog, but do they really want me to add an obsolete brand to their catalog that nobody else is ever likely to use?
Help me Obewans, what course of action should I take to follow the Ebay farcical force?