02-03-2023 07:33 AM
I have a basic store 1000 free insert fees , the 10,000 free insert fees in certain categories . but then they have 1,000 all categories/$0.25 10,000 select categories/$0.25 . i get the select cats. but what's the /.25 is that if it sells thats what im taking in . I'm just making sure . Thanks
02-03-2023 07:50 AM
25 cents is what you'd be charged for an insertion fee if you use up all the free ones.
02-03-2023 09:22 AM
Additional LISTING FEE is 25 cent/per month (for each item) that goes over your limits.
If you want to know how much "profit" you will have after you make the sale....you need to check which "category" your items are listed in to see what "% for selling fee". SELLING FEE is charged on entire sale (purchase price + shipping + sales tax) plus 30 cent handling fee. Rarely can you make a profit selling anything under $20.
Also you will have additional INTERNATIONAL FEE of 1.65% of total order (if customer is international). If you "promoted items" there will be an additional PROMOTION FEE when you item sells.
I suggest read about EBAY fees in HELP so you understand what you are getting yourself into.