07-13-2023 01:26 PM
Yes, I had one sale a couple month ago but I should have way more. I pay for a store and my listing are all promoted, yet, I never have any serious offers or sales as of late, strange. I use to get 200 to 300 dollars in sales every month, enough to pay store fee's and pay for the promotions, but no more. As if eBay has dried up, and you cant get ahold of any sales team members to help you plan any strategy, so I think eBay is bad to sell on, and you have to be very carful who you buy from on the site, that's what I tend to tell people because it's the truth, at least for me. I would rather be able to tell family, friends, and work/church acquaintances that eBay is a great place to buy and sell, but I truthfully can't, it would not be ethically sound. Any thoughts?
07-13-2023 06:19 PM - edited 07-13-2023 06:22 PM
@richards*rock*collection wrote:... I think eBay is bad to sell on, and you have to be very carful who you buy from on the site, that's what I tend to tell people because it's the truth, at least for me. I would rather be able to tell family, friends, and work/church acquaintances that eBay is a great place to buy and sell, but I truthfully can't, it would not be ethically sound. Any thoughts?
My thought: If you believe that it would be untruthful and unethical to recommend eBay as a place to buy or to sell but you continue to do business here, you may wish to examine your behavior and motives in doing so.
07-13-2023 06:48 PM
I love how you always want to twist words. Where in my comment did I say millions are looking for hockey stuff? BTW - most of my listings are not hockey related nor sports related.
07-13-2023 06:51 PM
@richards*rock*collection - pay no attention to this "seller." A know-it-all who wants everyone to drop their prices by 90%. lol
07-14-2023 12:27 AM
Your photos could use work - the stones look dull and they have distracting things in the gallery like hands and rulers. It's not easy to take good photos of items like this, but I think you could do a lot better.
People are spending money, but you have to make your items attractive and realistic - what you're selling relies almost completely on good photography.
07-14-2023 02:03 AM
@richards*rock*collection wrote:I would rather be able to tell family, friends, and work/church acquaintances that eBay is a great place to buy and sell, but I truthfully can't, it would not be ethically sound. Any thoughts?
It's ok for you to sell on ebay, but you don't recommend it to others?
07-14-2023 04:54 AM
@sakic92710 wrote:You would think, with millions of buyers, averaging between $60-100 a day on eBay would be a breeze.
I have been selling here since 2000 and never sold $100 a day ever.
07-14-2023 05:05 AM
I used to be able to get $400-500 a week no problem. Many times, as much as $800-1200. On a steady basis with the occasional $250-300 week thrown in so get the law of averages. Getting 4-5 sales an entire month?? NOT NORMAL!!!!
07-14-2023 05:06 AM
I won't either. Not now.
07-14-2023 04:19 PM
I seldom volunteer information about eBay but when people ask I ask several questions for clarity before I tell them the item(s) may be suitable for eBay. The first is what are they wanting to sell, the second is how much do they think it is worth and what are they wanting to get out of the item. How quickly do they want to sell the item............ I ask them if they are aware that eBay's fees will cost them 16-20% on average and they are going to have to pay income tax on the net profits.
I ask them if they can afford to take the financial loss on whatever they want to sell on eBay. Based on the discussion I will tell them eBay is either a good match for what they are wanting to sell or recommend other alternatives to move the items. There are some things I either cannot list or will not list on eBay due to the restricted items list and the VERO program or simply because of the scammers. There is nothing wrong with using eBay to move merchandise it's just not suited for everything or everybody.