03-12-2019 10:27 AM
How do I opt out of this? There is already an option for GTC if I want to use it! My store will become stagnant if the same things are always listed.. I rotate out over 2000 items to keep my store fresh! Why can't ebay just let us run our own business and they just give us a venue to sell.. STOP TRYING TO RUN OUR BUSINESS FOR US!!! I can see why so many of my friends left Ebay and went to Etsy for selling...
04-14-2019 08:21 AM
@lafano wrote:
Seriously? You don't get it? Our items will never show up as NEW again. They will hang out there as existing items forever. That stuff will never sell. Don't worry...right.
When your stuff isn't new, then why should it constantly show up as new?
eBay has a limited number of buyers in many of the categories. Why should I constantly have a stale listing thrown in my face every single time I go to check to see if there is anything new listed in my favorite categories. All they ever show me is stale listings. Guess what happens after that? I stop checking "new" listings and eventually just stop checking eBay......
I've already totally given up on craigslist because of how many people have their stuff at the top of the listings every single day.......
The only reason for people to sort by newest first is because they check it regularly and they just don't want to keep seeing the same junk.
04-14-2019 09:41 AM
@jtro8059 wrote:
So you don't really even list fixed price? Why are you trying to patronize people by telling them how simple it is to change over to this? We know what this entails. I truly don't get what you're trying to accomplish here. Do you work for eBay?
Here is the post you are refuting.
My listing total can vary !! As most of MY ITEMS are ( BIDS ) and are not listed very long. You said you rotate your stock. So you have to know what you want to rotate before it auto-re-lists !! You will have to pay MORE attention to your listed items. Just end those listings before they auto re-list and then add your new items. That's the way you are going have to do it or all of your items will auto re-list. If you can't handle that then I suggest you downsize a bit until you get the hang of it !! Don't Worry Be Happy 😀
With all due respect, the key word here is MOST. MOST does NOT mean ALL, nor does it preclude that poster from having GTC listings, or assume that the poster has NO experience with GTC listings. A very important difference.
04-16-2019 08:25 AM
When you only have a few listings like you do it's not that big of a deal, with GTC, when stores like me have 1000 it's a huge deal.. I have no idea how many listings I can list this month because when they auto relist I'll be charged for each and every item that they relist for me.. Before they would all end and I could easily rotate out my other items and keep my store fresh. as it is now.. I don't have that choice and to go in and end items manually is way too time consuming.
04-16-2019 08:28 AM
04-16-2019 08:31 AM
On its face, I hate the policy. But it may turn out that we all benefit down the road. I do use google to search for products and eBay listings do show up. If the GTC policy really does help, it might turn out that we don't have to worry about the renewals because our items sold before the end of 30 days. Wouldn't that be great?
04-16-2019 09:38 AM - edited 04-16-2019 09:39 AM
Sounds like you know what your doing by actually rotating items. You can blame the sellers who don't operate that way and simply immediately relist over and over for this GTC travesty.
07-01-2019 06:47 AM
Poshmark is a good venue to sell on.. I started going on there, they don't charge you for listing your products. I'm losing money by them relisting my products.
07-01-2019 06:50 AM
Who did you call? I hate this feature and they are re-listing mine before the 30 days is up.
07-01-2019 07:02 AM
I have been listing on Poshmark, they don't charge a listing fee and I have been selling more on there lately then on ebay. They do charge 2% selling fee, but I like their concept. Try it.
07-01-2019 07:09 AM
Try Poshmark, I've listed some items on there and I have been selling them. They don't charge a listing fee and you can keep your items on there as long as you want. Give my name Theresa Land if you sign up and we both get $10. I have been very pleased with that site. Give it a try.
07-01-2019 07:12 AM
E Bay should start listening to the Sellers, they keep making it harder and harder for the small seller.
07-01-2019 07:23 AM
07-01-2019 07:25 AM
07-01-2019 07:27 AM
07-01-2019 07:30 AM