10-31-2024 11:53 AM
To maintain a safe trading environment, eBay places limits on the number of categories sellers can list in. Currently, you do not have required permission to sell in this category.
Category -Collectables and art
I can't post my product listings, I am from India .is it a serious problem with me ? please help me to get solution.
10-31-2024 12:15 PM
The solution is to find items to sell in a different category. eBay is unlikely to allow you to list in that category until you have some selling experience.
Which category are you trying to list in?
10-31-2024 12:19 PM
I want to list in Collectables and arts- coin and paper money category
10-31-2024 12:39 PM
You're blocked in all 3 categories?
Have you set up your seller account and linked Payoneer?
Has eBay told you that you are now able to sell?
If so, I'm not sure what the problem is. You might have to contact customer service.
10-31-2024 01:58 PM
Thank you so much 😊