05-19-2020 06:18 PM - edited 05-19-2020 06:21 PM
O.K., so this is IT. I am not going to list here anything else in the future - regardless of how many FREE listings eBay prefers to throw my way! Seriously considering not even relisting the ones already listed here, though I may give them some time to run out on their own.
I absolutely HAD it. Three times in a row - with weeks apart - a buyer claimed false reasons for returning an item, in order to get FREE shipping, by leaving me no chance to refuse the return shipping cost! eBay does NOTHING to protect the sellers against these kinds of atrocities. The buyer can open a case of return with literally ANY invented reason. eBay does not ask the buyer to provide a photo, or otherwise explain the reason, making it now even harder for sellers by extending the return times. JEWELRY HAS A 14 DAYS RETURN, per eBay's own statement. My listings of jewelry have a 14 days return, also. Not 21, not 30. eBay nonchalantly announced to change this, for absolutely NO logical reason, because so many people being currently at home, the return time-frame could actually be shorter, but definitely not longer!
30 days gives buyer plenty of opportunity to have a change of heart and mind, and simply return the item claiming non-existent "Item not as described," or even worse, DAMAGE the item and then claim that it was damaged already when sent by the seller.
I describe my items correctly, and for the most part, provide 10-12 pictures for each. I accept returns with NO questions asked, but I am not going to pay for any more dishonest buyers to claim non-existent reasons for return. Strange to note, With hundreds upon hundreds of sales elsewhere: I did not have a SINGLE return on my other selling sites, for years! Not because I do not accept returns. My feedback on other sites is also 100% with NO returns, ever.
Add to the picture eBay's continued harassment for giving them all kinds of private information and being charged a tax of 12.5% on the tax portion of the sales come July - I am out.
You are losing MASSES of honest, experienced and knowledgeable sellers - many of whom are much higher volume sellers than my little business - because you provide the most horrible customer service to your sellers, eBay!
I think I have seen enough. Totally FURIOUS about people stealing my money that I work VERY hard to earn, and will no longer expose myself to this kind of abuse.
I regret that I have EVER returned to this site, to be truthful. The way you are treating your sellers is ABYSMAL. The only entity making money here is YOU eBay - and your preferred few.
Good luck to all sellers. Looks like some of you will need it...
05-19-2020 08:04 PM
05-19-2020 08:46 PM
what other sites besides Etsy are good to sell on? I'm thinking of getting out of eBay, but can't really find any other places to sell
05-19-2020 08:48 PM
@prettywoman-2012 wrote:O.K., so this is IT. I am not going to list here anything else in the future - regardless of how many FREE listings eBay prefers to throw my way! Seriously considering not even relisting the ones already listed here, though I may give them some time to run out on their own.
I absolutely HAD it. Three times in a row - with weeks apart - a buyer claimed false reasons for returning an item, in order to get FREE shipping, by leaving me no chance to refuse the return shipping cost! eBay does NOTHING to protect the sellers against these kinds of atrocities. The buyer can open a case of return with literally ANY invented reason. eBay does not ask the buyer to provide a photo, or otherwise explain the reason, making it now even harder for sellers by extending the return times. JEWELRY HAS A 14 DAYS RETURN, per eBay's own statement. My listings of jewelry have a 14 days return, also. Not 21, not 30. eBay nonchalantly announced to change this, for absolutely NO logical reason, because so many people being currently at home, the return time-frame could actually be shorter, but definitely not longer!
30 days gives buyer plenty of opportunity to have a change of heart and mind, and simply return the item claiming non-existent "Item not as described," or even worse, DAMAGE the item and then claim that it was damaged already when sent by the seller.
I describe my items correctly, and for the most part, provide 10-12 pictures for each. I accept returns with NO questions asked, but I am not going to pay for any more dishonest buyers to claim non-existent reasons for return. Strange to note, With hundreds upon hundreds of sales elsewhere: I did not have a SINGLE return on my other selling sites, for years! Not because I do not accept returns. My feedback on other sites is also 100% with NO returns, ever.
Add to the picture eBay's continued harassment for giving them all kinds of private information and being charged a tax of 12.5% on the tax portion of the sales come July - I am out.
You are losing MASSES of honest, experienced and knowledgeable sellers - many of whom are much higher volume sellers than my little business - because you provide the most horrible customer service to your sellers, eBay!
I think I have seen enough. Totally FURIOUS about people stealing my money that I work VERY hard to earn, and will no longer expose myself to this kind of abuse.
I regret that I have EVER returned to this site, to be truthful. The way you are treating your sellers is ABYSMAL. The only entity making money here is YOU eBay - and your preferred few.
Good luck to all sellers. Looks like some of you will need it...
that's ebay for you.
05-19-2020 08:51 PM
ask me. It was a lot of work to set up, but it's paying off nicely. Super simple accounting too. They take 10% flat fee and give you the rest to send to your bank. No billing. And a super easy listing form.
05-19-2020 10:15 PM
I offer free 30 day returns, and the buyers still lie about the reasons for their returns anyway.
What gets me isn't even the return costs, its the hit on our metrics and the risk of having our accounts suspended due to buyers claiming an item is not as described or defective.
I just had a buyer this last week throw a fit over a $10 game, stating it doesn't work. I get these complaints from stupid buyers all the time that don't realize their decades old console is broke and now they're just looking to blame someone else.
The returns I can handle and could care less about, its ebay's threats of destroying our accounts that hits a nerve.
05-19-2020 11:01 PM
@prettywoman-2012 wrote:
@bbravo65 wrote:
...my dear, worse than that...it's a nightmare...
And I am only 14 sales away from becoming a TRS (number of sales is at 86 for the evaluation period), so naturally, I wonder whether this is all just a coincidence?
Not that I care anymore.
PW 🐿
What would that have to do with anything?
05-19-2020 11:07 PM
"You are losing MASSES of honest, experienced and knowledgeable sellers..."
I am confident that you are correct that Ebay is and will lose some sellers because they don't want to go into MP. Ebay has even said they know they will lose some sellers. But "masses" is a real overstatement. That doesn't mean that there won't be many leaving, because I'm certain there will be some. But just as sellers leave, more sellers come. In the long run Ebay will be just fine. And that is the rub about a large business like them.
I wish you well where ever you end up. And good luck with your own website, that is a lot of work just trying to drive traffic to your site, not to mention how much that may cost you. But I do hope it all works out for you.
05-19-2020 11:14 PM
05-19-2020 11:24 PM
one day in future, someone will invent a new selling platform similar with eBay, but better in policies...and eBay will be a fairy tales story... bbravo
From my point of view that is already happening . My sales are terrific on my other selling platform but pitiful here on e bay . If my sales were the same everywhere as they are here then I'd need to just close down all together . Everyone has mentioned this at one time or another already but e bay is making a huge mistake by not advertising . Especially while their new competitors are advertising all over the place . Buyers are going to go to the places they see advertised . I know I do . I've purchased many things from online stores I never knew existed until I seen their advertisements . However to keep suggesting this idea to e bay is like beating a dead horse ,, it's not going to get up and run , ever . I made the smartest decision when I finally began to expand out . Furthermore I can't really give a reasonable explanation as to why I stay here .Loyalty ? don't know . Tulips
05-20-2020 12:49 AM
@gamersbaystore wrote:
I just had a buyer this last week throw a fit over a $10 game, stating it doesn't work. I get these complaints from stupid buyers all the time that don't realize their decades old console is broke and now they're just looking to blame someone else.
To be fair, with games, sometimes that can actually be true. I have a copy of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis that will NOT play on my PS1 no matter what. I tested it on my friend's PS1 to see if it was the game, and it worked just fine on hers. I have no idea why it doesn't want to work on mine; I have another copy that runs on it no problem.
05-20-2020 08:37 AM
Advertising isn't going to fix the problems here on ebay.
The buyer policies continue to drive away good sellers.
The new ebay is/will be the new dollar store of the internet. Everything coming from China.
China sellers don't mind the high FVFs, etc. They can ship for next to nothing and overall their costs to sell here are less than for US or Canada sellers.
It's kind of a shame to take an American company and just throw it away to another country.
Gee, that sorta of sounds like a left wing tactic. That would explain a few things here.
05-20-2020 08:43 AM
It will never be an even steven platform like it once was, unfortunately for the sellers. Many lost buyers, because of bad sellers, and good sellers have to pay for bad seller behavior. I wish that eBay would make it tougher for buyers to return, but that will never happen.
05-20-2020 09:37 AM
05-20-2020 09:37 AM
@picknparley wrote:Advertising isn't going to fix the problems here on ebay.
The buyer policies continue to drive away good sellers.
The new ebay is/will be the new dollar store of the internet. Everything coming from China.
China sellers don't mind the high FVFs, etc. They can ship for next to nothing and overall their costs to sell here are less than for US or Canada sellers.
It's kind of a shame to take an American company and just throw it away to another country.
Gee, that sorta of sounds like a left wing tactic. That would explain a few things here.
I'm not at all trying to dismiss what you are saying as many posters over the years have said the same thing or very similar. So there are plenty of people that feel the way you do. With that said, it has been said for many years and yet Ebay is still here and not a "dollar store".
When big changes are made on this site there will always be some sellers that leave. Ebay knows this. Ebay can see the stats much better than we can.
Asian sellers are a real issue in some categories. I firmly believe that. It is my hope that when their shipping rates start rising as the UPU starts applying the changes that we see at least some relief on this issue.
05-20-2020 10:25 AM
Dear Pretty Woman,
I feel your pain, really I do. Not more than a couple of weeks ago, I received my initiation into the ebay buyer fraud routine. I've been a member for 2 decades... no problems, until now. And after reading into the posts I'm finally seeing how things really are. The pattern appears pretty consistent, sellers are getting screwed left and right. I wish you luck.
We need to organize and get a class action suit started.